Peace, Joy, And A Conservative New Year!

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NN&V Exclusive

(Lori Piotrowski) – Here in Colorado, the cookies have been baked and decorated. It didn’t take too long, but with two people rolling out dough, one sliding cookie sheets in and out of the oven, two decorating in the pre-bake stage, and six decorating in the post-bake stage, that’s to be expected.

Holiday card writers would say that the trees and mountains are dusted with snow. But nearly 8 inches of snow has left the pine-dotted foothills with only a bit of evergreen peeking through.

Seventeen degrees is cold to my Las Vegas-thinned blood, and I’m wishing I’d have thought to buy a windshield scraper before hopping in the car for a 12-hour driving marathon.

But, it’s Christmas. I’m with family. And nothing could be better!

We all have dreams, wishes, and some may even have plans for 2012. May all of these converge to help us elect more conservatives in local, state, and federal elections. The new year will be a busy one, but if we work as a family, we can bring positive change to our nation.

Nevada News & Views wishes you and yours a Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa, and Happy Solstice. If I have missed anyone’s holiday, my apologies. May you enjoy a delightful Festivus!