Perhaps AB408 would get the federal government’s attention

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(Thomas Mitchell) – When my father broke the two-by-four across the muzzle of a recalcitrant 2,000-pound black Angus bull, he explained: First, you have to get his attention.

Perhaps that is one way to look at Assembly Bill 408 that would prohibit the federal government owning or regulating land and water rights in state of Nevada without legislative approval.

There was a big rally and a couple of hours of testimony about the bill, Tuesday, in Carson City.

Looming over all the debate over the bill was an opinion from the Legislative Counsel Bureau that AB408, under current case law, is unconstitutional. And so it is.

At one time, case law stated that “separate but equal” was constitutional, internment of Japanese citizens was constitutional and free speech could be curbed if it challenged military inscription law.

Perhaps it is time to get the federal government’s attention and make its lawyers defend the 150-year control of 87 percent of the land in Nevada by the federal government.

To read the entire column, click here.


Mr. Mitchell publishes the 4TH ST8 Blog at