(Mike Zahara) – Then our friends at LVMPD Vice: Lead by the most incompetent Vice el tee in the entire country, emotional basket case and terror with a badge, Lt. Karen Hughes, wants laws changed to stop that damn lap dancing and girls asking johns to ‘touch them first’.
Horrors! Who knew that shit was happening in Las Vegas!
Hey Kar, how about letting the resorts handle their own security inside their own hotels? If someone sneaks upstairs and they’re not a registered guest, it’s Trespassing, and they can toss anyone for any reason and call you guys after they detain the person if it’s prostitution.
Your unit shouldn’t be doing the resorts’ jobs and it’s not the LVMPD’s duty to cover their big cuts in their security staffs, now is it?
Honey, you have more immediate problems, besides your hair, like avoiding a USDOJ, USDOL, and EEOC investigations of your own bizarre conduct within your own unit!
Where’s Mrs. Keller and her gun when they really need her?
We’ll also be getting into how our resorts continue to bleed precious resources from Metro by demanding the LVMPD do for them, what should be being done by the resorts.
The quid pro quo? Dougie will collect $10,000 checks from each Strip property-yes, each individual property-for his re-election and your neighborhoods have less police protection because all Dougie cares about are his big donors in the Resort Corridor.
(Mike Zahara’s blog can be found at www.WatchDogWag.com)