(Mark Noonan) – Making it double official: Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid has officially launched his campaign for Nevada governor…and Democratic Sen. Harry Reid is seeking a fifth term in the U.S. Senate.
Feel better, Nevadans, now that two Reids are on the job? What with the jobless rate in our State capital now at 13.8%, I know we’ll all breath a collective sigh of relief to think that Double-Reid is willing to help out.
Or, maybe not?
I think, not.
There is something definitely un-American about a father and son both appearing on a statewide ballot in the same year. Both of these men are obtaining the Democrat party nomination unchallenged, which also calls in to question the Nevada Democrat party’s understanding of Nevada, America and, well, democracy. Didn’t anyone have the courage to ask one of the Reids to back down for the year?
Probably not. One thing I’ve noted about Harry Reid is the fact that he is a rather rough character to challenge. He tends to be unforgiving against anyone who crosses him. To ask him or his son to give 2010 a miss would have required rare courage among Democrats.
So, now the Democrats have two Reids seeking very high office at the same time.
I believe this arrogance will be given its proper reward – I believe that both men will lose in November. Nevadans aren’t about to lie down and have a family dynasty imposed. I think hubris has overtaken all of the Democrats and especially the Reids, and it will be a grand pleasure to watch both their concession speeches on November 2nd.