(Andy Matthews/NPRI) – As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, NPRI held an open house on Wednesday to celebrate the opening of our new Reno office.
As long-time supporters may know, NPRI’s first office was in Reno, but circumstances forced us to move the organization to Las Vegas around the year 2000. Ever since then, our many friends and supporters in Reno, Sparks, and Carson City and at Lake Tahoe have urged us to return.
That’s why we were so excited to announce our new office in Reno, but after more than 75 supporters came to our open house on Wednesday, we’re even more thrilled to be back in Northern Nevada.
Wednesday was a wonderful day to show off our digs and listen to feedback — in person, instead of by phone or email. I also had a chance to do an interview on 780 KKOH with Reno talk show host Dan Mason, which was a real treat.
Joseph Becker is the director and chief litigator of our Center for Justice and Constitutional Litigation. You probably know him best from the great work he’s done trying to get our judicial system to uphold the separation-of-powers clause in Nevada’s constitution. There’s more great stuff to come from both Joe and our CJCL, and while my lips are currently sealed, let me assure you that CJCL is poised for exciting things.
For those who came by on Wednesday, thank you for stopping by, and while I’m returning to Vegas today, I look forward to visiting Northern Nevada many more times in the future. And you know NPRI will be well represented at the 2013 Legislative Session.