(Jacob Perry/The Union Label) – “Right to Work” is one of those terms that is often thrown around, but it’s debatable whether many of those using it are actually aware of what it means. Simply put, “right to work” means that you have the right to take any job you please without being forced to join a union. In other words, one could take a job as a teacher at a school “represented by” the Indiana State Teachers Association without being forced to become a member of the ISTA itself (and pay mandatory dues which are then funneled towards the campaign coffers of Democrats).
Seems reasonable and simple, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you expect that a free and democratic society would incorporate the right to NOT be forced to join a labor association which might actively work against the principles that you believe in? Wouldn’t it be reasonable to think that the political party which incorporates the word “democratic” in it’s name might also support your right to freely associate in the workplace?
Alas, that simply isn’t the case, and there’s a simple explanation for it. The resources generated from your coerced membership are crucial to helping elect and keep Democratic politicians in elected office. Don’t take my word for it, here’s what Gerald W. McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) admitted said:
“I see this as payback for the role we played in the 2010 elections,” said Gerald W. McEntee, who said in October that his union was spending more than $90 million on the campaign, largely to help Democrats.
“Now there’s a bull’s-eye on our back, and they’re out to inflict pain,” he said.
Ironically, many Democrats claim Thomas Jefferson as the spiritual father of their party. yet, he is supposed to have once said:
“To compel an individual to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he or she disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical.”
I couldn’t agree more.