NN&V Exclusive
(Lori Piotrowski) – Northern Nevadans will have the opportunity to demonstrate their support for the U.S. Constitution on Saturday, September 17th, on a walk through Carson City.
This walk for the Constitution is being planned by Project Americans Coming Together (PACT), and is a fund-raiser for PACT’s activities:
- educating people on the original intent of the constitution and the 28 principles upon which it was based,
- initiating classes and seminars, providing educational materials, speaking at events, and representing the Constitution, and
- helping to activate like-minded people to work together to support the Constitution and its principles.
Groups, clubs, businesses, schools, families—in fact, any group or individual—are encouraged to participate. The walk will begin with registration at 8:00 a.m. and the last walkers will finish at noon. After the walk, participants may join in a variety of fun activities and entertainment that are being planned.
PACT will be awarding prizes for groups raising the most money and having the highest number of participants.
A registration fee of $10 will help support this event and others throughout the year.
Register online at www.ProjectAmericans.com.