(Americans for Prosperity) – Dear friends,
In the midst of the August 2nd deadline for making good on our debt, a majority of the American people understand that killing jobs by raising taxes is not the route to prosperity. The D.C. mentality of spending money that they don’t have must end. Most states and all households are required to limit their spending to what they’ve got in the bank. Washington’s checkbook must be as balanced as the American households’ so it is time that we take away the President’s blank check. Sign the “No New Taxes” Petition to show Washington you want them to focus on fixing the spending problem.
We remind members of Congress that we’ve been here before: trusting big-spenders in Congress to cut spending if we agree to higher taxes. They failed on their promise to President Ronal Reagan and President George H.W. Bush. Nothing suggests that they’ve changed their ways. [Sign the Petition Now]
In the past week, Americans for Tax Reform’s fight to rein in spending has been profiled by a number of news agencies.
Following President Obama’s national televised speech, in which he called for higher taxes, Grover Norquist appeared on CNN with Piers Morgan to respond to Obama’s perpetual demand that tax hikes be on the table. Click HERE to watch the interview.
In an op-ed to the New York Times, Grover Norquist explained the role of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge in holding members of Congress accountable during the debt limit negotiations. Click HERE to read the whole article.
To explain why we haven’t seen a compromise yet, Grover lays out the two perspectives involved in the debt limit debate. By noting that the taxpayers and Republicans want lower spending while the President wants higher taxes, Grover points out it’s all about November, 2012. Click HERE to watch the interview with CBS News’s John Dickerson.
Wondering what happened to the “Gang of Six” proposal? So are we. The so called “proposal” is not a concrete solution to the budget but what we do know is that it includes over $1 trillion in tax hikes. Click HERE for more information.
With six days to go until the federal government hits its borrowing limit, the fight to curb Washington’s addiction to overspending keeps heating up. Americans for Tax Reform will continue to oppose any and all efforts to raise taxes because Washington, D.C. has an overspending problem, NOT an under-taxing problem. We urge Congress and the President to keep their focus on spending, and spending alone.
Grover Norquist
Americans for Tax Reform
P.S. Please take a moment to sign the Petition for “No New Taxes” in the debt limit deal and show you're dedicated to fixing the spending problem in Washington.