(Debbie Landis) – Action is Brewing began a volunteer incentive program this week. New volunteers for any fiscal conservative candidate, party, or Victory office, with the most hours spent volunteering per week and per month until October 31st are eligible for weekly prizes and monthly grand prizes.
Weekly prizes will be awarded inside Nevada; two monthly grand prizes will be awarded, one inside Nevada and one outside Nevada (after all – we’re all in this together).
AIB has already purchased the prizes and will dedicate the resources required to tally volunteer hours, announce winners, and ship prizes. Feel free to distribute the contest flier to your group, club, or organization as an incentive to motivate your potential new volunteers as well.
You might even want to piggy-back this contest onto an incentive program of your own to sweeten the deal.
Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability, and Transparency are not jut buzzwords. If we can work together to increase the number of volunteers for candidates who best represent the ideals of every taxpayer, and candidates with a healthy respect for upholding the US constitution, then Nevada wins. If Nevada wins, the United State wins.
It all starts with the volunteers, so starting today, volunteers win big! Details can be found on www.actionisbrewing.com. Please feel free to email me with questions, comments, or suggestions.
(Debbie Landis is director of the Action is Brewing tea party organization in the Reno area)