After the first three days of watching Democrat stupidity live at the Brett Kavanaugh Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings, I came to the conclusion that while the end of the Republic may not be nigh, a whole lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.
Let’s start with the Senate.
To allow the pop up demonstrators who continuously interrupted the questioning of Kavanaugh simply demeans a body which has an approval rating so low that many of their mothers must not like them. Now you know why.
And this is not just pointed at Democrats. The Democrat Party encouraged it but the Republicans allowed it. And all of the little Astroturf clowns who were “arrested” by the Capitol Police will get their hands slapped because the Washington DC Judges don’t see much wrong with this sort of thing. (What should happen is they should be sentenced to public service as restroom attendants at Reagan Airport or the Smithsonian or Metro stations for months on end. That won’t happen because the restroom attendant union would go berserk.)
While the outcome of the hearings was a foregone conclusion, the Democrats made some of the most nonsensical arguments, always forgetting that someday—as is always inevitable—the shoe will be on the other foot and those same arguments will come back to haunt them—if they have any sense of shame which they don’t.
Then, there is the former newspaper known as the New York Times.
It ran an anonymous op-ed piece from someone who purported to be a “senior official in the Trump administration” which told America that people around the President—himself or herself included—know better than the President and regularly try and thwart him in pursuing his agenda.
Of course, it could have been a New York Times editorial writer stringing together passages from the new books by Bob Woodward and Michael Wolff, all of which were also either made up or based on anonymous sources who probably made it all up.
The key here is that the Times wants you to believe it is a credible newspaper. It’s not. It is the Pravda of the Democrat Party and NeverTrumpers everywhere.
And, like the modern Democrat Party, it appears to also have no shame.
The truth is that you’re no longer going to find much if any truth in the New York Times. This is no longer the newspaper which won New York Times vs. Sullivan or the Pentagon Papers case. This is the New York Times of Karl Marx and Barack Obama.
The truly amazing part of all this is the way these clowns have unified their attack on one person—the President of the United States of America.
They hate this guy so much, they’d take Mike Pence as his replacement. (At least Pence had a lifetime of politics.)
They hate this guy so much, that if Donald Trump personally cured cancer, they’d hold fund raisers to preserve cancer.
And now, they have gone so berserk, that Barack Obama has stepped into the fray, taking credit (you can’t make this stuff up) for today’s economy and, somehow, accusing the President of using the, get this, FBI and the Department of Justice as a “cudgel” to go after his enemies.
Uh Huh.
His credentials as a constitutional law professor notwithstanding, his ability to remember history is warped. Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton for starters. He seems to have forgotten meetings on tarmacs and FISA warrant applications based on phony dossiers paid for by the DNC. No matter how loud his voice is, the former President is a deeply flawed spokesman for either the FBI or the Department of Justice having abused both. As well as the IRS. Remember Lois Lerner?
Put simply, these people make John Brennan accusing the President of treason look and sound like an alter boy.
The American people are simply not that stupid. They proved it in 2016, they’ll prove it again in 2018 and 2020.
With all due respect to Vegas handicappers, I’d take Trump on the money line.