The Goblins of November

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(Paul Jacob/Common Sense) – Which is scarier, Halloween or the Tuesday after?

Silly question. Of course it's Tuesday. Election Day.

The ghouls and goblins of Halloween are all dress-up; kids enjoying some play on the dark side, the better to go back into the light and . . . eat candy.

The ghouls and goblins of Election Day are dressed up, too. But the pretend element is that incumbent politicians aren't the problem. (Or, as the contest heats up, that it's some other incumbent's fault.)

It's all trick and no net treat, though, when their idea of “the good” incorporates all sorts of scams and schemes to take from some to give to others. Or better yet, to promise to give something later . . . long after they've retired. Then, those good intentions develop horns and tails and sulfuric stench.

It's highly likely that U.S. Congress's majority Democrats will receive many thwacks from challenging Republicans. This is to the good not because Republicans have proven themselves stalwart foes of politics-as-usual, but only because the devils I don't know (the challengers) ought to be better than the devils we do know (the incumbents).

Why? The incumbents have learned the devil's trade. The challengers have not necessarily succumbed to the temptations of that deviltry.


Term limits, which cut down the time politicians spend in the path of temptation, might help purge some of the evil.

Unfortunately, term limits aren't on most ballots next Tuesday. Only in Oklahoma.

Happy Halloween.