The groundhog reportedly saw his shadow

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The groundhog reportedly saw his shadow yesterday, signifying six more weeks of winter.

In related news, the National Weather Service is predicting “record-tying heat this weekend” in Las Vegas.  Apparently even Punxsutawny Phil is guilty of “fake news”!

I’ve been saying for a long time now that Donald Trump is an “acquired taste.”  And judging by the reactions to his first State of the Union Address, his support is growing further and faster than the fake news media would have you believe.

And the disgusting display by congressional Democrats who sat on their hands throughout the entire speech really opened eyes and won over some hearts and minds.  In fact, almost HALF of Democrats polled in a CBS survey said they liked the President’s speech.

As an example, longtime Nevada Democrat/union activist Lou DeSalvio tweeted in disgust, “Dems won’t even stand when record numbers of unemployment on minorities have been met and tremendously exceeded.”  He added, “I am embarrassed to call myself a Democrat.”

I’m guessing that’s a growing club.

By the way, it wasn’t Nevada Sen. Dean Heller’s fault that President Trump didn’t notice him and blew right by him on the way out of the House Chamber after the SOTU.  Apparently Dean forgot that he was wearing Harry Potter’s “invisibility cloak” that night!

If you missed the embarrassing brush-off, click here

David Abney, UPS Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, has announced more than $12 billion in investments to expand the company’s Smart Logistics Network and boost its pension funding, citing “the opportunity for tax savings created by the Tax and Jobs Act.”

UPS joins a LONG LIST of corporations now expanding operations and giving pay raises and bonuses to their employees.  Apparently cutting taxes and regulations on entrepreneurs rather than insulting them with “You didn’t build that” bluster has a much more positive effect.  Go figure.

Sarcastic trivia question from some liberal bonehead going by the fake name @Krauseee on Twitter: “What's a thousand dollars when your CEO gets paid 30x what his drivers are paid?”

Our friend Grover Norquist’s response: “One thousand dollars.”

Game, set, match.

According to FOX News, conservative Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) says GOP leaders have “ruled out a full ObamaCare repeal-and-replace effort, like the one this past summer that passed in the GOP-controlled House but failed in the Senate…”

Let Nevada Republicans never forget that those efforts failed thanks in large part to Nevada Sen. Dean Heller’s flip-flopped opposition to repealing ObamaCare last summer.  #DeanVotedNo

Because those 13 kids found shackled in Perris, California were allegedly being homeschooled, the homeschool community is bracing for new calls for greater government control over homeschool families.  Such a notion is not only absurd based on one extreme abuse, but obscene.

The government completely controls our public schools, but it seems not a week goes by without reading some story about a public school teacher or employee sexually abusing a student.  On behalf of all homeschoolers, here’s our message to the government busy-bodies…

Clean your own house and leave us alone!

The campaign for some Democrat running for Nevada governor named Henry Thorns left a flyer on my windshield at the grocery store.  He claims to be a “Business Owner,” but his platform includes “Better Pay for Unskilled Jobs.”

Um, duh.  Unskilled jobs pay less because, um, they require no skills.  If you want better pay, get better skills.

Regardless, please explain to us where the authority is found for the government to determine how much someone should be paid in the private sector for doing a job that requires no skills.


“(Donald Trump) could rip his face off and deliver his speeches as a skull and I wouldn’t care, as long as he is turning this country around.” – Former adult film star Jenna Jameson, #MAGA