(Sara Michele Crusade/Examiner.com) – I recently had a political activist from Tucson on my internet broadcast, The Freedom Hour. We discussed the state of public education generally, and the assault on our public school system; but specifically we talked about the ethnic studies program that is undermining American History requirements in the Tucson Unified School District.
Apparently, the issue first became apparent in Tucson in 2007 when citizens of the city noticed something awry with the Mexican-American ethnic studies course in the Tucson Unified School District. The Superintendent at the time, Tom Horne, investigated, and called in assistance from members of the community. What they discovered was that the ethnic studies class was using materials which denigrate the United States of America, re-write history, and celebrate Marxist revolutionaries such as Che Guevarra, Jose Angel Guitterez, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro to name a few.
According to Lisa Ruth, my guest on The Freedom Hour, “The purpose of the program is to convince young people the southwest United States belongs to Mexico and is to become Aztlan – a land that never was except in the imagination of the Aztecs. They (students) are also taught no one comes to The United States illegally – it is the Anglo/gringo/Euro-American who is illegal.”
Part of the problem with the Raza/ethnic studies course is that it was being used to qualify as the mandatory American History credit. In May of 2010, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law HB2281, which banned courses encouraging the overthrow of the United States of America and which did not meet the criteria for American History credit.
The other problem with T.U.S.D.’s Mexican-American studies program is that it has been mentored by the University of Arizona’s Mexican-American Studies program. According to Mike Shaw, a political commentator in Arizona, one particular U of A professor is very involved in the alleged indoctrination of students.
In a blog, Shaw wrote, “From what I know at this time, it sounds like Professor Roberto Rodriguez, professor of Mexican-American Studies at the University of Arizona, is hoping to export Tucson's version of Mexican-American Studies to the rest of the country. Hopefully, if time allows, I can do a story of how Social Justice is being taught overtly and covertly to America's future teachers and administrators at the U of A and across the country.”
The ethnic studies program was set to be eliminated on December 31, 2010, but the T.U.S.D. appealed the decision and the incoming Superintendent, John Huppenthal, granted an extension. The resulting board meetings have made national news, and been featured on Glenn Beck’s show; due in large part to the aggressive protests by Tucson students who chained themselves to board members chairs while yelling.
One notable attendee of the April board meeting/protest was unseated professor Ward Churchill who taught ethnic studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder who called the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center “little Eichmanns.”
The reason I bring this topic up in my op-ed, is that similar indoctrination programs are in place in California and Colorado. Nevada, as a neighboring state of Arizona, is at considerable risk of infiltration by this Marxist pedagogy, if it hasn’t seeped in already. If you don’t believe me, read the synopsis of the student group MechA de UNLV, an offshoot of the National Council of La Raza. MechA stands for Mexican American Student Movement for Aztlan.
According to MechA de UNLV, “Earlier this year, that yearning for social justice manifested itself in the city streets and schools throughout Aztlan. It echoed in the main streets, school campuses, parks, downtowns and in countless barrios in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago, Reno, Phoenix, Denver and other cities. It reflected in the faces of the thousands of Las Vegas Youth who took a stand for their People and walked out in masses. The essence of our movement embodied in the soulful cries for justicia and in the passionate chants for equality expressed by the nearly 85,000 who marched 7-miles up the Las Vegas Strip on May Day. A movement to fight for a People twice colonized, bitterly exploited and disconnected from our raices. ¡La lucha sigue y sigue!” By the way, the Spanish exclamation at the end of that quote means, “The fight goes on and on!”
Despite the comforting words of President Obama in El Paso recently, stating that our borders are secure, and we need to get over ourselves on the illegal immigration issue (and yes, a moat with gators will be fine – thank you, Mr. President), Arizona and Texas have the most porous and deadly borders ever. It is not just undocumented Mexicans coming across in droves, apparently to reclaim “their” land, but also terrorists from Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan, etc. While the Traitor-in-Chief is busy distracting Americans with partisanship and forked tongue, the attack on our country has gained momentum.
There used to be a saying, “As GM (General Motors) goes, so goes the nation.” That is a scary-enough thought, but a truer statement now is, “As Arizona goes, so goes the nation.”
We are under attack from the inside and the outside. Our borders are as porous as #10 cheesecloth, our children are being indoctrinated in our public schools under the guise of social justice (also known as critical race theory), and the majority of our politicians are more concerned with maintaining their employment than maintaining the country they have sworn to serve.
To add insult to injury, el Presidente Obama is supposed to be protecting the borders of the United States against threat, and is instead pursuing legal action against the state of Arizona for attempting to do the job he is not; and has welcomed the inclusion of foreign countries by his side against Arizona.
When I had Lisa Ruth on my show most recently, she likened the assault on our country to a war; the new American Revolution as she called it. Living in Tucson, in the heart of the battle, I’ve no doubt she has a clear view and a knowledgeable understanding of the battlefield and the enemy’s rules for engagement. I fear that, if we do not awaken soon and pay attention to the wolf at the door, we shall end up like two of the three little pigs; with our house blown down.
Our ideals and way of life are under attack. While our borders are being crossed and our educational system infiltrated, our president jokes about motes and alligators, and Senator Harry Reid promises further attempts at forcing amnesty down the throat of the American people.
Nos despertaremos y lucharemos o ¿nos moriremos durmiendo (shall we wake up and fight back, or die sleeping)?
(Sara Michele Crusade is a freelance writer and photographer whose work has been published in the U.S. and Germany. She is a veteran of the U.S. Army, and holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Email Sara at conservativecrusade@yahoo.com.)