Trump 2, Washington Whores 0

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(Fred Weinberg) –  The Washington whores just can’t help themselves.

First, the Democrats outplay the Republicans on—and prior to—November 3. Then, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow wiccans immediately produce an impeachment of a President several days from leaving office—after trying and failing only a year ago.. Then, the Senate votes, at the request of the House managers to call witnesses in an impeachment trial where the Senate CANNOT remove the President from office because he has ALREADY LEFT office. Facing a GOP call to put Pelosi (among others) on the witness stand, and lengthen the trial for possibly months, they backed down.

As I have said before in this space, paraphrasing Ron White, 74,000,000 angry voters can’t fix stupid.

And the Democrat hypocrisy is flowing down and polluting the Potomac like a river of manure.

Actually, while those 74,000,000 voters can’t fix stupid today, they sure can in the 2022 mid-term elections. Real Republicans—not the Liz Cheneys of the world—might take over the House. As bad, for the Democrats, real Republicans might take over the Senate.

One thing is certain. There are 74,000,000 seriously pissed off voters who are mad enough to do exactly that.

There are a bunch of Washington quislings who, somehow think that a few hundred people not quite rioting in the Capitol—something which Federal law enforcement knew of in advance and did nothing—is much more important than more than 100 days and nights of rioting, burning down homes and businesses owned by mere American citizens in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago and New York. It’s not. There is a pantheon of armed Federal agencies to protect the Capitol. But Pelosi was in charge and she didn’t like the “optics”.

What those morons think they are going to do, absent their ability to convict Donald Trump, is to tarnish him among the 74,000,000 voters so he is no longer a threat to their continued rule.

To the contrary, it will make him more of a threat.

2022 is coming up fast. It is hurtling towards Washington like a, pardon the use of the word, bullet.

And then there is lead House manager Jamie Raskin.

This clown is actually a professor of constitutional law.

Based on his lecture to the Senate, it would be prudent to retest all of his former students.

Take the First Amendment.

I never went to law school. The media was much more fun. But, early in my career, I won a libel action and thus, not only took a year of constitutional law in college but had a refresher course during that libel action. Not being one of Raskin’s former students, I can tell you he is full of manure.

Raskin poo poos the First Amendment. Or, to quote Ken Blackwell, “Raskin took this sham to a new low of unconstitutionality when he argued that there is no First Amendment defense against impeachment. Actually, the Constitution is a 100 percent defense against impeachment. That goes to the heart of what impeachment is about.”

The biggest protection of free speech happens to be political speech. And the morons in the House played back clips of many Trump speeches during the past four years telling us that Washington swamp dwellers wanted rid of him by almost any means. They called it “evidence”.

The fact is that the founding fathers decided it would take a supermajority to convict an impeached official. That has NEVER happened in the case of a President. It was never going to happen in this case. What the Democrats have done in this case was pure political theatre. It’s too bad that television’s Dick Wolf didn’t write and produce this as an episode of Law and Order. It would have only lasted an hour and it would have had much more due process than the real event.