Uh Oh! Shelley Berkley Busted by the Wall Street Journal

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(Lake for Congress campaign) – Recently, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley said that “Wall Street ought to be ashamed” because of its practice of betting against the success of American companies. Well, it seems that is something Congresswoman Berkley has been doing herself. However, apparently she does not see a problem with it.

Reportedly, Berkley and her husband engage in the same practice that she so reviles when she gets on the House floor in Washington D.C. Earlier this year Berkley said, “Representing Las Vegas, let me assure you, no casino on the planet behaves as irresponsibly and recklessly as Wall Street does. Wall Street ought to be ashamed, and take a lesson from the casino industry.”

The Wall Street Journal says that Berkley and her husband bet on the economy to fail numerous times in 2008 and that they profited from the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Berkley has been critical of private citizens doing this very thing. For an elected official to engage in this practice, while reviling it in public is the type of hypocrisy that Americans are sick and tired of in Washington D.C.

“Unfortunately, this is just more politics as usual coming from Congresswoman Berkley. It is the ‘Washington’ thing to do; saying one thing, but secretly hoping the exact opposite happens,” said Craig Lake, candidate for Congress.

“Nevadans need a representative that will put their interests first and not the same old politicians who put their personal interest before those of their constituents. Nevada families have been wondering where the help from Washington was, but it is becoming clearer why help has been so slow coming,” Lake concluded.

(Mr. Lake is a Republican candidate for Nevada’s First Congressional District)