(Fred Weinberg) – John Kasich, Ohio’s Governor and a nominal GOP Presidential candidate told CBS News that “you don’t win jobs by bombast” talking about a Ford plant moving from Mexico to Ohio.
No, John, YOU won them by bribing Ford with the taxpayer’s money.
At least, Donald Trump has an idea going forward.
Instead of bribing them with our money, how about a carrot and stick approach. The carrot is that we change the environment for manufacturing in the United States and the stick is that we charge a tariff on American vehicles manufactured abroad while we renegotiate NAFTA which was a terrible deal then and now for the taxpayers.
The fact is that companies like Ford go where they get the best deals and if you think that Ford is a patriotic American company, you’re smoking crack. They’re a company which owes only an allegiance to its shareholders and then only a fiduciary allegiance. That’s OK because that’s how capitalism works. But, knowing that, don’t you think that the approach should be to make it unprofitable (or at least less profitable) to operate offshore?
It’s not like we haven’t used our tax code in the past to engineer the goals of the various administrations. It’s just that, at no time, do we ever use it to our advantage.
Which is why Trump has an advantage over any other candidate.
He knows the value of the tools a negotiator has and knows how to use them. Compare that to the professional politicians who—in Trump’s own language—are just not very smart. They may know how to make promises but they couldn’t negotiate their way out of a paper bag with a hole in it.
It is no surprise that the media en mass was practically giddy when a CBS-New York Times poll of 500 voters showed that Ben Carson had pulled ahead of Trump by the poll’s margin of error. They hate Trump because he is busy showing the alleged political “professionals” how to run a campaign and they cannot stand being wrong.
Now, they want to write him off based on a poll of 0.00042372881355932% of the electorate. That’s right. 500 is 0.00042372881355932% of the 118,000,000 votes cast in 2012. And this is a “poll” sponsored by the old Grey Lady of newsprint and the Tiffany network. Sell that crap to your fifth grader.
Frankly, if the American public is dumb enough to fall for that, we deserve whatever we get.
And it shows you how desperate the media actually is if they are cheering on the manufactured “news” that Ben Carson — who they hate almost as much as Trump — is showing strength against Trump.
Only the stupid money would count Trump out right now.
And the reason is exactly that. Money.
Trump doesn’t have to raise any and that gives him the kind of staying power that even Jeb Bush with his $114,000,000 of cash from people who want things from him doesn’t have.
Whatever else you can say about Trump, he has, to date, run a brilliant campaign and, in the process, given America something to think about. Even if he ultimately doesn’t win, he will have left scars on the political and chattering classes which may take years to heal.
The biggest of those scars will come from the realization of the voters that they no longer need to put up with liars and thieves in elected positions. That people they elect can just as easily be replaced.
And Trump could always walk away from this with a big enough power base to start a third party and make it stick.
So, I have a hard time taking seriously the verdict of 0.00042372881355932% of the electorate. And so should you.
Mr. Weinberg is publisher of the Penny Press. Get to know more about him by visiting www.PennyPressNV.com.