Weinberg: Obama Was an Experiment in Inexperience, Trump is Voters’ Answer to Inexperience

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(Fred Weinberg) – If the mainstream media and the ersatz leadership of the Democrat Party agree on one thing, it seems to be that average Americans—people who have fallen to the bottom of Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables”—are not smart enough to determine—to even have a say on—their own futures.

62,955,343 citizens of the United States of America in states representing 306 electoral votes voted for Donald Trump. According to the Electoral College, he is now the President Elect. That is the only exit poll which matters.

We’re not stupid, deplorable, racist, xenophobic, homophobic or any of the other descriptors which some (not all) of President Elect Trump’s opponent’s supporters are labeling us.

We are, like the other voters in the election of 2016, (assuming we all voted legally) citizens of the United States.  Some are rich, some are poor, most are in the middle of the Bell curve which is why most of us are called middle class.

And we do not deserve to be disparaged for our views. By Mark Zukerberg, Charlie Rose, Barack Obama, John Podesta or anybody else.  Conversely, it is vital to note, those who voted for Trump have no right to similarly disparage the political views of those who did NOT vote for Trump.

For the last eight years, America has experimented with what happens when you put a young man who speaks well but has no real experience in getting things done into a very powerful office.

Now, it appears the voters’ answer to that experiment is to put an older man in that office that has a great deal of experience in getting things done.

Only the next four or eight years will actually answer some very hard questions.

But, the battle needs to be played out on the field of ideas and implementation.  Not arguments over who are the smartest people in the room. Or who is the legitimately elected President.

The hypocrisy on the part of the losers surrounding the aftermath of this election is stupefying.

Listening, as an example, to CBS talk about “fake news” as if it has never used anonymous sources to help a blatantly wrong story circulate. If there is any news organization who was busy creating fake news before that ever became an issue, one might remember his eminence, Dan Rather, virtually making up a story regarding George W. Bush’s service in the Texas Air Guard during the 2004 Presidential election.

And if you want to hear serious fake news, just watch CBS’ morning news show try and delegitimize the election of Trump Monday through Friday.

You can just see it in the faces of Charlie Rose, Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell.

NBC is no better, the New York Times, Washington Post and even the Wall Street Journal all seem to use sources named “people familiar with the matter”.

The story of alleged Russian hacking is amazing in its intent to somehow try to persuade the American people that it was really the Commies who caused Donald Trump to win.

What few have pointed out is that even if everything which is now being alleged by news outlets and the Obama administration were true, what was actually done was to reveal the truth—that the Democrat party was corrupt at its very top.  It acted to screw Bernie Sanders, to hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton and appeared to think it owned the very voters who gave the election to Trump. This from the campaign chair, the former head and the now acting head of the Democratic National Committee through their own emails which nobody has denied for one second are authentic.  Their argument appears to be, sure we’re cretins but you were never supposed to see the evidence that we’re cretins.

If all that the Russians did was to prove that the people at the top of a political party feel comfortable lying to the American public, God Bless them.  Few people in America care where the information came from, just that it is accurate.

And the one thing we have not heard from any Democrat is that the information is not accurate—however, we got it.


Mr. Weinberg is publisher of the Penny Press. Get to know more about him by visiting www.PennyPressNV.com.