Welcome To The GOP, Kate

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(UNLVCR) – Today, the Nevada College Republicans are welcoming 2nd District congressional candidate Kate Marshall to the GOP after comments she made in a debate last night in Reno.Marshall took several traditionally Republican positions in the debate including advocating for the Balanced Budget Amendment, tax incentives for businesses, and criticizing the state’s modified business tax.

“We are thrilled today to welcome Kate Marshall to the Republican Party,” said Mark Ciavola, Chairman of the Nevada College Republicans. “Her strong opposition to the modified business tax, which Nevada Democrats doubled in 2009 and extended in 2011, is a clear sign she has abandoned her mentor Harry Reid and the Democratic Party in favor of Republican principles.”

The College Republicans believe Kate Marshall’s campaign has made a noticeable shift to the right in order to gain support from the voters of Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District, which enjoys a 31,000 GOP voter advantage.

“If Kate Marshall is not the newest GOP superstar, she is a Democrat so desperate to go toWashingtonthat she has abandoned all of her principles in order to pull a fast one onNevadavoters,” continued Ciavola. “I trust that Nevadans won’t be so easily fooled.”