(Dan Burdish) – dis·sem·ble
1. To give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of: to dissemble one's incompetence in business.
2. To put on the appearance of; feign: to dissemble innocence.
And so the coverup begins.
At last night’s Republican Townhall meeting, Assemblyman Mark Sherwood began his campaign for reelection. In his remarks Sherwood portrayed his vote for extending the sunsetting taxes as the only choice they had and as “support” for the Republican Governor. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Since the start of the Legislative Session, Sherwood had been willing to negotiate for extending these taxes. He was part of at least nine members of the Republican Assembly Caucus that REFUSED to support Governor Sandoval’s pledge not to raise taxes or extend taxes that were scheduled to expire on June 30, 2011. For 110 days Sherwood refused to support the Governor. Only when the Governor took his position did Sherwood support him.
Sherwood was willing to trade tax increases/extensions for five reform items:
1. Education Reform
2. Collective Bargaining Reform
3. PLA/Prevailing Wage Reform
4. PERS/PEBS Reform
5. Construction Defect Reform
He got nothing in return for his vote to increase taxes.
After the Supreme Court decision that brought this budget discussion to a head, the Republican Assembly Caucus squandered an opportunity to get these reforms. They could have voted in a block and refused to raise taxes without meaningful reform. Instead, they rolled over and gave the Democrats everything they wanted and received nothing in return.
Last night Sherwood defended RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). He said it was better to have a RINO in office then a Democrat. That may be true in some cases, but it is not true in this case. I would rather have a Democrat than a Republican in Democrat’s clothing. The Republicans in Assembly District 21 deserve better.