(Mark Noonan) – As Nevada News Bureau reports, “Republican” Sig Rogich is urging a vote for Reid – because Reid is just so darn important for the future of Nevada:
“Rogich, a long-time Republican operative and George H.W. Bush adviser, is co-chairman of the ‘Republicans for Reid' campaign.
Replacing Reid, ‘is just wrong, it’s just not the smart thing to do,' he said.
‘We’re in protracted water negotiations with Arizona, with (Sen.) John McCain at the table, Utah, with (Sen.) Orrin Hatch, (Sen.) Dianne Feinstein representing California, and Colorado,”'Rogich said. ‘Who would you like to have at the table? A junior senator or a newly elected senator'…”
Uh, Sig, old buddy – Reid has been helping run the store while our nation and State have slid in to bankruptcy! Don't you get it? We're supposed to back Reid because he might be able to swing a bit of pork for us? And to heck with Nevada and America's future?
I don't think so.
Here we see the fundamental problem with RINOs – they think in terms of what can be extracted out of government by wheeler-dealer politicians. The problem is, of course, is that each ounce of pork a sharp operator snags for his State is actually taken out of the hides of the taxpayers. When Reid “brings home the bacon” to try and buy our votes, he's using our money to do it!
We're facing national bankruptcy and Rogich is worried about more pork.
Who cares about Nevada? Who cares about the United States? All that matters is that those juiced in with the powerful remain so. So goes the “thinking” of people like Rogich.
And this is what we must change in 2010 – we must get rid of Harry Reid not just because he's been a lousy Senator, but because he's symbolic of all that has gone wrong. He's a time-serving, political hack. He has become personally rich while “serving” in government. There is nothing right about Reid and we, the citizens of Nevada, would be a disgrace to our ancestors if we allowed ourselves to be bamboozled in to another Reid term.
This is no time to listen to a quisling like Rogich. It is time for a revolution!