Why This Floridian Supports Sharron Angle

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(John Gavin) – As a conservative, I support Sharron Angle and the effort to remove Harry Reid from the Senate. Not only has Reid been in office far too long, allowing his office to fall under the influence of special interests, but Reid's politics have moved farther left and promote even bigger growth in government, the kind of growth that hurts the nation.

With so many trillions of dollars of national and private debt causing unending bankruptcies, we will never create enough jobs to overcome the growing unemployment numbers until we can reduce the tax burden on businesses. Since the crash of 2007-8, the global credit derivative value has grown to over $1 quadrillion, and cannot be reduced until economic growth is resumed here and around the world. We are in a downward spiral that will ruin the nation and perhaps the world as well, unless drastic measures can be undertaken.

That is where Sharon Angle has made her best attack on Harry Reid.

Angle's proposals to cut big government programs are indeed correct. Washington's massive bureaucracy has buried the nation in dependency and frozen the lowest income groups into permanent poverty. The answer is not more government handouts, but a government that instead allows each individual the best chance to help himself get out of the government rut and build their own wealth using their own abilities.

How can Harry Reid's government be reversed to start letting people escape from his grasp? The answer is to drastically cut the massive Washington bureaucracy that interferes with small business growth and robs them with high taxes preventing more hiring. Washington politicians like Harry Reid are addicted to big government spending and the giant bureaucracies that control our lives. It is Reid's bureaucracies that must be removed if Washington can be forced to release its grip on business and open the shackles that hold so many Americans on the brink of poverty.

The American way is personal independence that opens the doors to success and personal wealth. Harry Reid's way is not the American way and voters need to understand this fact. Harry Reid must be stopped. His promises have damaged the ability of our nation to grow and if we continue them we will drown ourselves in debt. The world is waiting to see if we can break away from the shackles of Harry Reid and his big government spending plan that has ruined the economy and promises to ruin our nation.

Sharron Angle understands what needs to happen before Nevada can be free to grow and create jobs again. I support Sharron Angle and pray to God that Nevada voters give her their trust to bring Nevada and the USA back from the Reid programs that preach class warfare but have given us only a bankrupt nation and massive unemployment.

We all need to pray for the success of Sharron Angle so that she gets a chance to fix Washington and help Nevada regain its independence in November.

(Mr. Gavin lives in Fort Myers, Florida)