Zahara: Post-Election Review

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(Michael Zahara) – Boy, I got a lot of them right; I batted over .900!

Harry’s win was predictable from the moment last summer when Sharron entered her bunker after her primary win. Sharron Angle never reached out to women—especially in her own adopted party—and that’s always deadly in either party as women have decided all elections since 1960. She failed to take any of the free advice these threads offered to her and Ted Angle ran the whole damn thing into the ground as per usual.

Had she just answered the Reid attacks sitting at her kitchen table with a cup of coffee talking directly to us with her grandkids running around in the background—she kept saying she’s a grandma but never showed the grandkids or family—she’d have made it that much closer, but probably still would have lost by a few hundred votes because she is just too damaged a candidate with too many stupid things coming out of her mouth for the big leagues.

She also lost her own home county and one can’t win without their home base on their side. Plus, she’s not really a Republican, but an IAP interloper in the GOP and Republicans would have preferred to vote for an actual Republican.

Much blame goes to perennial loser Danny Tarkanian whose ego taught him that he is special even though he lost millions for his own family through his gross incompetence. Oddly enough, should Lois throw her hat in the mayoral race, she is the one to beat because Danny kept the family name in the publics’ mind.

Hispanics barely moved for Harry increasing by one single point of support and still, more than 30% voted for Sharron. In fact, Hispanics had a banner night across the country electing a ton of Republican Hispanics.

Corporatist Dem Harry Reid’s GOP owners are very happy but he has no power anymore and can’t even get anything out of the lame duck session for Nevada and the traditional liberals and the Progressive Extremists will revert back to their Harry Hatin’ in a few weeks.

As I told you in an earlier piece, he would win and Nevada would lose and that speaks to the political immaturity in this state.

The GOP will stall anything and everything for Nevada in the US House and we’re not even at the halfway point of recession in Nevada and are not expected to emerge until the end of the decade.

Sharron Angle will be back—her ego and narcissism require it—and Rep Dean Heller had better clear the decks of the other GOPers for US Senate in 2012 because he can beat her in a GOP primary provided 2012 doesn’t repeat 2010 with 47 people vying for the same seat.

2010 set the GOP up for a spectacular 2012 and the US Senate will roll hard to the GOP in 2012 with still more pick ups in the House when the dust settles. Harry Reid will continue to poison the well of good will nationally and in Nevada with his being a lightning rod until he drops dead in office sooner, rather than later.

23 Dem US Senate seats up in 2012 spells electoral disaster with Harry & Nancy ‘clinging’ to their ineffective leadership in the face of humiliating defeats.


Lil’ Bri-Bri Sandoval proved an old adage that ethnic, racial, and religious groups will support their own regardless and that other groups will jump on the bandwagon if that person is qualified and served us well.

It’s an American tradition that we believe that someone from our own groups will better understand and therefore better represent us. I had him winning by 7 and he almost doubled that to 13 points helped by Rory Reid running one of the very worst campaigns I ever saw (thanks again Dan Hart you useless tub of lard!) playing the wonk, rather than the concerned and involved citizen.


I’m pleased that Kim Wallin won re-election to Controller; her future is burning very bright and I’m disappointed that the very worst Treasurer in the country—Kate Marshall—rode the Reid wave. Jessica Sferrazza proved that Bedding a Geezer in Jon Ralston was a huge turn off for voters and she lost her own county too. Lt Gov Brian Krolicki is sitting pretty for the US House and he will almost certainly draw Sferrazza again in that race where her bedroom hijinks with the media guy will definitely become a national story instead of a local one.

All of the re-elected state officers are in their second and final terms and we’ll see who chooses to take a chance at another office very soon.


Dina Titus deservedly lost by trying to trash an actual medical doctor and military hero as opposed to her being a mere academic doctorate. She couldn’t run on her terrible Progressive Extremist record, so she trotted out two former Metro cops who were both trying to defraud Workers’ Comp and one trying to sell a really, really bad book too.

That’s how clueless she is. She had other ad stars that were gambling addicts, others had multiple bankruptcies; one’s kid has a thriving drug dealing business, another is a well known ‘escort’!

She never bothered to fix all of the many and various groups that hate her and she came close to re-election, but failed within her own Dem base which has a huge registration advantage in the district and she completely failed with the Indies again.

The ghosts of the Jim Gibson Wing will follow her for the rest of her days; those people really, really, really, really hate her guts and were the quiet Dr Joe Heck supporters that put him over the top.

Dina Titus who has never held a real job in her entire life will go back to being a tenured professor earning more than $300,000 in combined salary and benefits with her also tenured husband and will go for CD01 depending on if Rochelle-y runs for US Senate, and how reapportionment turns out.


Ineffective and exceptionally weak, brooding and suspicious Senator Steven Horsford and his Nevada Senate Caucus spent millions and still lost Joyce Woodhouse’s seat and backed colossal loser phony GOP interlopers like Tammy Peterson who got trounced badly. When all of the lawyers and lobbyists had Benny Yerushalami winning, you read here first that Elizabeth Halseth would pull it out, and poor Aaron Ford, played badly by Horsford who would never allow a smarter and more educated black man a fighting chance, got creamed in his race too!

You read that here first too!

Yet, Horsford was chosen as majority leader again and like his national counterparts, proves that you can only fail upward in the Democratic Party!

Kudos to Republicans who tossed Mesozoic-era fossil, the hyper-corrupted Bill Raggio—the poster child for Term Limits—as their minority leader! His time passed ages ago and now Raggio’s reading old magazines in God’s Waiting Room counting the days to the inevitable.

The best post-election parlor game has people gaming when Harry Reid and Bill Raggio will drop dead. I’ve got Raggio in 2012 and Harry Reid in 2013 for $500 each in the new death pools!


I was wrong on only two judge races—Tony Abbatangelo—who managed to piss the Mormon Mafia off and Bernie Zadrowski. I called Policy Communications 9-2 perfectly, but thought Dabney would best Kishner though I voted for her.

I am happier than a pig in shit that the vile Michael Davidson was rejected in favor of Jerry Weise. I voted for Jerry but thought Michael would win.

Someone has linked me from time to time on a legal community website called and that’s fine and I read the site some times, but some posters there think that I am an attorney and I am not. I’m just an observer of the courts as I am everywhere else too. The website is great but the blind comments are brutal and are a reason why I don’t allow direct comments here.

Lawyers are terrible to each other here and everywhere else and I think that we need a good independent watchdog group that secret shops our courts more regularly than I have the time to do. We have some superstars on the bench and a whole lot of horse’s asses on the benches too.


The Project had its best month ever in October averaging far above our normal 10,000 regular visitors and readers and I appreciate your continued readership and patronage.

Over 80% of what I write about comes from regular people who inquire about something or someone and those who have requested the email blast reminder should know that the reason I do it off of Gmail over my server is that you can open the Gmail link at work and get paid to read me, whereas most workplace websites block it if I do it off of my server.

I’m a Dem so I think people should get paid to read me while at work! I’m still amazed that about 38% of my regulars come on their Blackberrys and IPhones; how can you people read me so small?

I’m the kind of writer that requires a pot of coffee or a bottle of good Gin to absorb! I’ll get a little bit more into policy and more national now that the election is over and will report on the behind the scenes machinations as both parties strive to shoot themselves in the foot again and again and again and again!

If you were a candidate and wish to stay on the blasts, email me your private email address; your privacy is fully protected and I do not share or sell such info either.

And if you’ve got something to say, know that I never source anything here either!


Many readers took umbrage with my critique of the president the other day but I can only judge him on what he’s doing today and what’s he’s done since I met he and the Mrs back home in 1996; he never lead or stood out on anything in Illinois, he was not a member of our vaunted Chicago/Cook County machine either despite what FOXNews continues to say—and it’s up to him if he can pivot out of his current doldrums.

Unlike Reagan, Obama didn’t invite GOP leaders to the White House until just recently, which is odd because in Illinois, he sucked up big time to the GOP senate leader who is now his best friend and they vacation together in Hawaii every year.

Reagan would liquor Speaker Tip O’Neil up and feed him mountains of tasty snacks in the Oval Office and that was very smart of him. They talked as two grandpas, shot the shit together, small-talked and that eased tensions and opened windows of opportunity for cooperation.

Maybe there is hope for Obama, but with my BlueDogDems decimated, the Democrats have become the nation’s crazy party of Progressive Extremists, with the GOP’s Tea Party trying to force them as far to the right as they can too—that’s not a recipe for success in any political system.

Ticket-splitting Independents are the strongest voting bloc in America now.

My readers read here first in the nation way back at the beginning of the year that all of our hard work getting the suburbs and exurbs to go Dem would be completely washed away by extremist Dems pushing extremist agenda over credible national policy and looking at the sea of Red across the country and especially in the Great Lakes and upper Midwest after the 2010 election proved me to be 100% correct…again.

The Dems have entered fringe party status now with the GOP at the precipice on whether or not to return to their fiscal heritage or to embrace the nutcases on their side.

Welcome to the new era of the non-affiliated independent voter; the two major parties are gasping their last breaths now and I’ll write more about this phenomenon soon.

(Mike Zahara is a longtime Democrat activist and publisher of