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(Elko Daily Free Press) – The Nevada Firearms Coalition announced Thursday that Nevadans will soon be able to display their support for the 2nd Amendment with a specialty license plate.
The group stated that the design “honors the Minutemen and militias that fought to defend our freedoms, including the right to bear arms, in the American Revolution.”
It was one of four submitted in a contest hosted by the Nevada Firearms Coalition. The group intends to move forward with the selected design, and present it as a specialty license plate to the Nevada DMV.
The winning license plate was submitted by State Sen. Don Gustavson and created by his son, Don Gustavson II. Senator Gustavson introduced the law that allowed for this license plate in the 2015 Nevada Legislature.
“I’m thrilled with the design choice,” said Don Turner, Nevada Firearms Coalition President. “We can’t wait to bring this proposal to the DMV to get the process started, and eventually see these license plates on roads across our great state.”
“I would like to thank everybody for their participation in the submission of the different designs and for those of you that voted in the contest,” said Sen. Don Gustavson. “With your continued support, we will be able to train many Nevadans in the safe use of firearms.”
The Nevada Firearms Coalition raised over $5,000 during the contest, which is the cost to propose a specialty license plate to the DMV.
For more information about the license plate contest and the Nevada Firearms Coalition, contact Don Turner at don@NVFAC.org or visit www.NVFAC.org.