(Las Vegas) – The UNLV College Republicans are going after Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, former congresswoman Dina Titus, and county commissioner Chris Giunchigliani, for orchestrating an anti-Heck press conference at the site of Congressman Heck’s campaign kick-off fundraiser last night. They point to what they call lies, hyperbole, and fear tactics, as evidence that the Nevada Democratic Party can’t win on the issues.
“John Oceguera has no choice but to attack Joe Heck, as he can’t point to a single positive accomplishment in his own record,” said Thomas McAllister, president of the UNLV College Republicans. “His legacy is voting to pass four of the five largest tax hikes in our state’s history, which continue to hurt families, individuals, and businesses all over Nevada.”
During the press conference held at the Stirling Club just two short hours before Rep. Heck’s event, the trio attacked Heck for hosting his campaign kick-off outside Congressional District 3. Yet, Dina Titus represented that same district while living in CD-1. The Democrats also accused Heck, as they have in recent news releases, of engaging in a ‘war against women.’ The UNLVCRs have repeatedly held Dina Titus accountable for cheating in a 2010 debate against Joe Heck, spreading lies about their organization in print and other media, and taking a large salary with low workload at UNLV between runs for political office.
“The fact that John Oceguera would drag out Chris Giunchigliani, and Dina Titus, a woman who took $216,000 in taxpayer dollars from UNLV in 2011 after teaching just one class, proves he is desperate,” continued McAllister. “Voters rejected Titus in 2010, rejected Chris G in 2011, and will reject Taxman Johnny this November.”