(Jarrod Agen) – With 4 days left, another poll shows Sharron with a 4 point lead.
The LVRJ today reports the latest Mason-Dixon poll showing Sharron leading Harry Reid 49% – 45%, with independents breaking towards Sharron by 17 points at 55% – 38%.
In case you feel like you’ve seen these numbers before – well, you have. This is the third poll in the last 4 days with that same result:
Tuesday: Angle 49% – Reid 45% (Rasmussen)
Wednesday: Angle 49% – Reid 45% (CNN/Time)
Friday: Angle 49% – Reid 45% (Mason-Dixon)
As always, it is the trend that outweighs the result of any one poll…and the Real Clear Politics poll average shows Sharron pulling away from Harry as we enter the final weekend.
Of course, Harry Reid believes that all public polls are false because they are part of the media’s conspiracy to elect Sharron. Yesterday, he took that even further and claimed that the press has been too “easy” on Sharron.
“And I have to say, the press has given her a pretty easy go.”
– Harry Reid on MSNBC 10/28/10
Man Up, Harry! Stop blaming everyone else for your problems.
(Jarrod Agen, Communications Director, Sharron Angle for Senate 2010)