Angle Hosted at Chicago Fundraiser

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(Angle for Senate campaign) – Former Nevada State Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R-NV), appeared yesterday on local conservative talk radio in Chicago before attending a fundraiser at the American Legion Hall in West Chicago thrown by heartland supporters wanting to replace Harry Reid (D-NV) with a qualified conservative. The enthusiastic crowd included Representative Mike Fortner (R-IL).

“Harry Reid might represent Nevada, but as Majority Leader his liberal agenda gravely affects all Americans regardless of residency. America’s solvency rests on replacing Harry Reid and liberals like him with conservatives we can trust,” answered Chicago community activist Jeanette Ward when asked about her interest in monitoring a race several states away.

Ward strategizes that replacing Reid with a candidate like Angle would send shock waves to other politicians in D.C. that their current liberal agenda is unwelcomed.

“You’re aware that here in Illinois we are stuck with our own liberal Senator who enjoys spending his days carrying water for Harry Reid,” said Ward in an obvious reference to Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL). “We’re putting him on notice starting today by showing an interest in replacing his boss with a conservative like Sharron Angle from Nevada.”

Ward did mention that she had become fatigued by the excessive number of other candidates from Nevada she had to filter through. “I’ve observed these other candidates crawling out the woodwork claiming conservative principals, but their spotty records or inexperience is something I refuse to support – – Nobody wants to see Harry Reid replaced with another Harry Reid.”

Ward especially cautioned that a higher office such as the U.S. Senate posed as an unlikely commencement for an untested candidate dreaming of becoming a first-time politician.

“Responsible parents would never hand over the car keys to a toddler. Give them training wheels first, and monitor them to make sure they are responsible enough to have higher trust extended to them. We’ve all been burned before by candidates who talk conservative but vote liberal. Sharron Angle’s candidacy to unseat Harry Reid is of importance to us all because she has a verifiable longstanding conservative record that supporters can trust.”

Angle leaves Chicago to attend other scheduled events back east for the remainder of the week, with plans to return to Las Vegas on Friday.