(Juanita Cox) – I met a young man, a stranger yesterday who was very angry. Mike told me that he was intending to go to northern Nevada’s First Friday event and might be arrested. I kind of laughed because I disclosed that I too would be there, what was his problem?
Mike did not know who I was (former Storey Co. Chairman) but I felt that through “fate” or, I would prefer to believe that a higher power sent him my way, I continued my interview. “Why are you upset with the Republican Party,” I continued?
He said that he was so mad because “they were ruining his country,” they were just like the Democrats–they would say (promise) one thing and do exactly the opposite. To his surprise, I agreed with him. He was going to this event and tell them he had had it with the Republican Party and was going to re-register as anything but Republican.
I then explained that most of the people that he was going to meet at this First Friday would feel exactly like him but the difference was that these people were fighting the “criminals” instead of giving up.
I told him how the Republican Party in Nevada (especially the state Central Committee) were now composed mainly of true conservatives and had given what I call “RINO’s” or the “[r]epublicans for Reid” a warning by issuing a Resolution to either follow our State Platform and Policies or “we” would run a conservative candidate against them in the primary (“primary them”).
I explained that there had been many battles for the soul of the party and at the moment we were still in control but “they” had tried to dry up most of the money yet we were still clinging on for dear life to the Party. I told him that “they” were hoping people like him would leave the party because it was simply a numbers game.
Funny thing happened at this First Friday: Mike and his wife came and met many people who shared their same concerns. They were very excited and this gave them great hope that perhaps their precious Republican Party was still the one that they had hoped for and believed in. They were really excited by the wonderful “conservative” challengers and could hardly believe these candidates were rank and file people just like them and not “politicians.”
Friends, this is the challenge that we face. We must give the masses hope (I think of myself kin to the “Postman” Kevin Costner) keeping the fire burning in their soul that there is a chance to keep our wonderful Constitution and values alive. To stand with us and fight these usurpers who claim to be with us, yet are not. To fight this challenge from within and expose these “elitists”, these “socialists”, these “takers of our freedom” and show that our “emperors have no clothes”!
We are a mighty bunch when we stick together for LOVE not money!
We have to get this message out to the rank and file; giving them hope that we are in the fight for the heart and soul of our beloved America, for our children’s children and the blood stained flag that my ancestors died for.
We must volunteer; send our precious hard earned money to these candidates and our STATE Party (not the national).
We CAN do it—we are Republ—I-CANS!