Anti-tax activists want Sandoval’s revenue plan on ballot

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(KSNV News3LV) – Las Vegas — A conservative political activist who fought Gov. Sandoval’s tax proposals has formed a group to place the just-approved state revenue plan before voters in 2016.

Chuck Muth, president of Citizen Outreach, stated in his Friday column in the Nevada Appeal, that the new group called WeDecideCoalition will circulate petitions to have the tax hikes of the 2015 session placed on the 2016 general election ballot.

“Government-luvin’ tax hikers in Nevada shouldn’t be doing the Snoopy Dance just yet,” Muth wrote in the Carson City newspaper. He stated that “we the people overwhelmingly rejected a similar gross receipts tax proposal that was on the ballot last November.”

He said he will need to gather 55,000 signatures on petitions to qualify the question for the ballot.

On a related matter, Muth reported in his blog Saturday that the Nye County Republican Party “excommunicated” Gov. Sandoval and Assembly James Oscarson, a Republican, for promoting and supporting the tax hikes.

“Be it resolved that Governor Brian Sandoval and Assemblyman James Oscarson, due (to) their betrayal of the trust and responsibility of Republicans, have made themselves unwelcome to enjoy the privilege of being honorary members of the Nye County Republican Central Committee,” the resolution states.

It further says the central committee no longer supports Sandoval or Oscarson.

The resolution was approved Saturday by the Executive Committee of the Nye County Republican Central Committee.