(Lori Piotrowski) – During the November 2010 election, we heard stories about voter fraud: Machines that were preconfigured to vote for Reid, non-citizens voting, casinos herding employees to the polls. Now we learn that a bill is in the works, a bill that will ease the burden of those who consider defrauding the current voting procedure as onerous. Gee, how much easier can we make it for those who believe that the one voter/one vote system is passe?
Assembly Bill 108 was introduced on January 31, 2011. This bill, which “eliminates the deadline for registering to vote in an election,” is essentially establishing same-day voter registraion at the polls. Currently, this Bill is before the Committee of Legislative Operations and Elections, and is chaired by Senator Parks (D). Two of the five committee members are Republicans: Senators Barbara Cegavske and James Settelmeyer.
The Active Republican Women in Las Vegas are encouraging everyone to voice their opinion to the Committee, by calling, emailing, faxing, or visiting the Web site and casting a yea or nay vote.
On the web site, click on the Select Bill drop-down box and highlight AB108 or you can type in AB108 and then case your vote and leave an opinion.
You may also call, email, or fax the Committee Members:
Senator David Parks (D) at dparks@sen.state.nv.us or call (775) 684- 6504
Vice Chair:
Senator Mo Denis (D) at mdenis@sen.state.nv.us or call (775) 684-1431 or fax (702) 743-3571
Committee Members:
Senator Steven Horsford (D) at shorsford@sen.state.nv.us or call (775) 684-1429 or fax (702) 631-6400
Senator Barbara Cegavske (R) at bcegavske@sen.state.nv.us or call (775) 684-1445 or fax (702) 222-9909
Senator James Settelmeyer (R) at jsettelmeyer@sen.state.nv.us or call (775) 684-1470 or fax (775) 450-6114