(Michele Fiore for AD4) – This morning, the Nevada State Senate passed Senate Bill 252, Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposal that would change the existing flat state business license fee into a new business tax with 1,811 unique tax brackets based upon gross receipts.
In response, the following statement was released by Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, Chairman of the Assembly Policy Committee…
“With all due respect, much of the governor’s proposal is based on the mistaken idea that the way to fix public education in Nevada is to pump more taxpayer dollars into the existing failed system rather than dramatically reforming that system and providing far more school choice to Nevada parents, including the financial assistance necessary to exercise that choice for low-to-moderate income families.
“That said, the unemployment rate in Nevada remains, as Bill Anderson of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation put it last week, ‘stubbornly high’ at 7.1 percent. As such, the last thing the Legislature should be doing is taking money out of the private sector, where it’s needed to create jobs, and transferring it to the public sector so that government can continue to spend beyond its means.
“Conservatives in the Nevada State Assembly cannot and will not support SB252 as passed out of the Senate today.”
The Nevada Assembly Policy Committee (NAPC) is organized for the purpose of advancing a constitutional, fiscally conservative, free market, pro-business, limited government agenda in the Nevada Legislature. Learn more at www.AssemblyPolicyCommittee.