Attorney General Laxalt announces sentencing of Las Vegas man for Worker’s Compensation Fraud

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Office of the Attorney General logo(Office of the Attorney General) – Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt announced that Michael Joseph Bricker, 49, of Las Vegas, was sentenced for workers’ compensation fraud, a category “D” felony. The fraud was committed between March 2013 and May 2014.

Bricker, Michael Joseph (Source: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

Bricker, Michael Joseph
(Source: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

Bricker fraudulently filed a workers’ compensation claim alleging he suffered a major back injury while working at a local Dunkin’ Donuts store. Based on his misrepresentations during the claim process, he was determined to have a disability. As a result, he received tens of thousands of dollars in health care treatment and benefits. The Hartford insurance company later discovered that Bricker knowingly failed to disclose a prior work-related back injury, and had denied any pre-existing conditions on multiple occasions. The investigation also uncovered that Bricker engaged in activities outside of the physical restrictions imposed on him by his physician, such as operating a handyman business, among other things.

nevada attorney general adam laxalt

Adam Laxalt, Nevada Attorney General

“Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to provide wage replacement and medical benefits to employees suffering legitimate job-related injuries,” said Laxalt. “This type of fraud will not be taken lightly by this office, as it victimizes taxpayers and businesses who are forced to pay higher premiums as a result.”

Eighth Judicial District Court Judge Michelle Leavitt sentenced Bricker to probation, not to exceed five years, with intensive supervision and house arrest. He was also ordered to repay $75,000 in benefits to his employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier, The Hartford.

This case was prosecuted by Senior Deputy Attorney General Roger R. Madsen.

To file a complaint with our office, click here. To view the criminal Information for Michael Joseph Bricker, click here.