(Councilwoman Linda Strickland) – As a proud mother of 2 Naval Academy graduates now serving our country as Ensigns in the Navy, I am deeply disappointed that Veterans in Politics does not support my commitment to defending the first amendment freedoms of those wrongfully sued by the City. However after learning that Stephen Stubbs (and possibly our City Attorney) are involved in this, I am not surprised.
BC politics are not something that one should weigh in on without examining the truthfulness of those involved. It takes some time to cut through the spin, but Citizens in Charge, an organization dedicated to protecting our first amendment rights, has done just that, finding Stubbs’ assertions to be “simply not true.”
Further, a political commentator watching this issue recently commented that Stubbs rant stems from a “personal vendetta” and that he appears to either not know what he is talking about or posts inaccurate information on the internet.
And double dipping?
Since being retained to defend the initiative sponsors, we have not billed the City for their defense, and the City has not paid for their defense. The only attorneys paid by the City on this matter are Lionel, Sawyer & Collins.
Recognizing that we may never be paid for our services, Trevor Ford of Citizens in Charge recently stated “Tracy and Linda Strickland took [the initiative sponsors] case at great personal risk”. If we were truly double dipping, the Nevada State Bar would be notified : ask one of our current council candidates about what happens to attorneys found double billing.
Ask Mayor Tobler about his “triple dipper.”
Not only has he received a pay check from the City for the last 8 years , but he has also billed the City more than $150,000 for the City’s retail purchases from his hardware store. And Lionel, Sawyer & Collins, the same firm retained by the City to sue the initiative sponsors, contributed to his 2007 Mayoral campaign.
In the famous words of Adlai Stevenson (1952): I offer my opponents a bargain. If they will stop telling lies about me, I will stop telling the truth about them.
(Mrs. Strickland is a Boulder City councilwoman and is currently running for mayor)