(Tony Meyer) – Stephen Stubbs blasted former Boulder City Councilwoman Linda Strickland for representing clients who were suing the city while she was a sitting councilwoman, and he even created the website, LindaStricklandisunethical.com.
Stubbs is the epitome of hypocrisy!
Stubbs was BANKRUPT in 2009, and I believe Stubbs misled the bankruptcy court.
In online posts and on the company website, Stubbs states that he is the sole owner of Sin City Citations, which he states was created in 2008. He appeared in traffic court hundreds of times before, during and after his bankruptcy, yet he did not disclose his traffic ticket fixing business (Sin City Citations) or its income on his 2009 bankruptcy petition.
If you read his bankruptcy petition you will gain a full appreciation of his outrageous debt at the time and what he indicated was his property and his income from working as a lawyer for a Phoenix law firm. Who's unethical now Stubbs???
By the way, the woman who works for Stubbs at Sin City Citations and was his front during his bankruptcy on the corporate documents is Lisa Lemley, who is married to Michael Lemley, a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department traffic officer. On his Facebook page Michael Lemley promotes Sin City Citations.
How is that permitted by his employer? Officer Lemley gets paid to enforce traffic laws and write tickets, and his wife gets paid to fix them…only in Las Vegas!!!
Most residents of Boulder City have no idea that Stubbs is getting paid by the city for legal work. The latest payment is listed on the July 9th “claims paid” list and shows checks written to Stubbs for services. City Attorney Dave Olsen gives Stubbs a “thumbs up” for his legal skills on Stubbs' Linkedin profile.
Both are incompetent buffoons!!! I guess the old saying, “it takes one to know one” is so true in this situation. Didn't Olsen refer to Stubbs as a “chappy-lipped mouth breather” in a taped conversation? Ask former Boulder City Police Chief about that!
Obviously, when Olsen was told by “I can't tell the truth” Mayor Roger Tobler to hand the “chappy-lipped mouth breather” some Chapstick and join in the attack against Chief Finn, Olsen had no choice but to kiss and make up with Stubbs. Their allegation that Finn committed a felony with an email proved that neither of them understood the law they cited to go after him.
After they completed thorough investigations of Finn the Nevada Attorney General and the Clark County District Attorney cleared him of any wrongdoing! Their vicious attack on an honorable man, whose only crime was the defense of his city from an outlaw motorcycle gang, was a disgrace!
I also thought you would be interested in the latest publicity Stubbs has orchestrated in Utah. In a radio show audio tape, Stubbs compares the Bandidos Motorcycle Gang as being similar to the Mormons and their religion. It is humorous to say the least! Maybe because they both consider their women “property?”
Stubbs' idea of telling the truth is more like, “I solemnly swear to tell the untruth, the whole untruth, and nothing but the untruth, so help me Joseph Smith.”
Stubbs also comments that his clients “the Motorcycle Clubs” are libertarians and in a lot of ways he believes the same…..government shouldn't be involved in our lives.” Hypocritically, Stubbs had no problem having the government in his life when he chose to stick us all with his hundreds of thousands of personal debt in 2009!
Stubbs has refiled another baseless amended complaint in federal court at the expense of the Boulder City taxpayers. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that he has no consideration for the hard working Boulder City residents. He had his last amateurish federal lawsuit dismissed in July and was severely “bitch slapped” by the judge. This is nothing more than a continued vendetta waged by Boulder City Councilman “sCam” Walker and the other bobble heads on the city council.
I can tell you that Chief Finn was an honorable, hard working, fair and trustworthy chief with an impeccable reputation among residents He helped members of the community on his own time and with his own money on numerous occasions. He refused to give in to the “Mormon Cabal's” unethical behavior, demands and threats, and he stood up and took their punishment for doing so like a man.
I hope he fights until the end and takes down the “Mormon Mafia” in Boulder City and exposes Stubbs for the self-promoting little gnat he is.
(Mr. Myer is a resident of Boulder City)