(Heck for Congress campaign) – On Sunday November 15th Dina “Tax-Us” Titus will receive her first show of thanks for her vote to raise taxes on the backs of Nevada small business owners.
Titus will be feted by Vice President Joe “Bailout” Biden, the first of a long list of liberals signing up to thank Dina Titus for her steadfast support of higher taxes and job-killing government programs.
Over the past ten months Dina has worked hard to earn the support of Washington’s liberal elite.
She voted to exponentially grow the national debt by voting for a bloated federal budget and a “stimulus” bill that continues to spend taxpayer money while more and more Nevadans lose good jobs.
Titus voted for a “cap and trade” bill that will increase taxes on the average American worker by more than $1,700 annually.
Most recently she voted on a massive government healthcare bill that will increase taxes, grow government, empower bureaucrats and make it harder for Nevadans to get better healthcare at an affordable price.
Vice President Biden’s visit is completely consistent with the Titus campaign philosophy: Take more money from Nevadans, spend it on things that help advance an extreme agenda and promote more government growth while good people lose their jobs, their homes and their dreams.
While her constituents struggle to make ends meet, Dina Titus will be all smiles as she collects buckets of cash and receives high praise from her liberal mentors. Joe Biden is just the first in a long line of government-loving, tax-raising, job-killing career politicians that can’t wait to pat Dina Titus on the back for her unwavering support of a bad healthcare bill, a bad stimulus bill, and an endless list of bills that kill jobs and hurt the Southern Nevada economy.
“Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel lead a long line of out-of-touch liberal politicians eager to pay back Dina Titus for her anti-senior, anti-business, anti-Nevada votes,” says Grant Hewitt, Campaign Manager for Heck for Congress. “But no matter how many DC politicians line up to help Dina Titus the line won’t be nearly as long as the one at the Southern Nevada unemployment office.”