Dem Senator: This Extreme New Abortion Stance in Our Platform is ‘Crazy’

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(Guy Benson, TownHall)  Via John McCormack, who's done excellent work following the Democrats' descent into fully-codified fanaticism on abortion, here is West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin blanching at his party's brand new platform stance. Here's Manchin distancing himself from the draft language in an interview last week:

West Virginia senator Joe Manchin condemned the proposed language in the Democratic platform regarding the Hyde amendment on Wednesday. “That's crazy,” Manchin told THE WEEKLY STANDARD. “It's something that I know most of the Democrats in West Virginia and most West Virginians would not agree with. I don't either.”

Manchin's objections went unheeded by the DNC's platform committee, which adopted the most pro-abortion formal position in US history, amid a flurry of leftward lurches. The Washington Post's Dave Weigel reports: Click here to continue reading