(Richard Scotti) – On Monday the Clark County GOP announced that it will be cooperating with various Republican women’s groups to help put on the Lincoln Day Dinner, which the Party has ignored up to this point. The event is actually being organized by the Republican women’s groups in town, who chose to step up and help Republican candidates with the GOTV efforts here in Nevada.
However, I have it on good authority that several Republican women are reluctant to allow the CCRP to participate in any way in the Lincoln Day, given serious accusations that have been made about the CCRP’s mismanagement of funds, and failure to comply with protocols established by the former Treasurer and Chairman of the party. Having been informed of such issues, the Nevada State party is apparently stepping in to help put the pieces back together.
Even more distressing is the CCRP’s recent ‘”flashlight affair” wherein they slammed traditional Republicans.
The CCRP extensively promoted and sponsored a “Flashlight Meet-Up” event that was conducted at a local library about a week ago, for the expressed purpose of criticizing Republicans and others that did not meet the litmus test of the “tea party” and “Ron Paul” activists.
The plan was to put up pictures of people who were not solidly behind them, and shine flashlights and boo. While this may seem fairly innocuous on its face, at this Meet-Up, the CCRP Precinct Administrator bashed all of the Republicans who recently left leadership roles in the CCRP, and further bashed their friends and supporters, as “Marxists.”
Most of us who left are indeed fiscal conservatives and ardent supporters of constitutional rights, so the “Marxist” accusation” is a reflection of the deep paranoia and delusions within the current CCRP leadership.
Furthermore, the CCRP Precinct Administrator defamed me, the former chairman of the CCRP, by saying that “Richard Scotti is no friend of the CCRP.” Apparently, to be a “friend of the CCRP” you have to publicly attack members of your own party who do not pass the strict extreme right-wing litmus test. If that is the charge, then I am guilty.
But those who really know me, understand that I have been working selflessly to advance the Republican party and its candidates for many years here in Clark County, and will continue to do so despite the unfounded attacks on me and my Republican friends.
The existence of a fascist-like litmus test within the CCRP is no fantasy.
Diane Orrock, a newly-elected Executive Board member, has allowed to be posted the secret “CCRP Vetting Process” on the “Resistnet” website. See http://www.resistnet.com/group/nvresisters/forum/topics/ccrp-vetting-process. Mr. Orrock is the District Director of Resistnet, and has not taken any action to remove the post. This “CCRP Vetting Process” violates the CCRP Bylaws, and has never been approved by a vote of the Executive Board, or the CCRP Membership.
When asked today why he would permit Republicans within his group to attack their own, current Chairman Bob Ruckman replied: “That was not a CCRP event, and I am not responsible for what other Republicans say.”
Mr. Ruckman is obviously reluctant to stand up to the more reactionary elements in the new administration. Plus he is distorting the truth.
First, the CCRP aggressively advertised and promoted the “Flashlight Meet-Up.” Second, the “Flashlight Meet-Up was organized and conducted by CCRP leaders, including but not limited to the Precinct Administrator – Duane Libbe.
In response Mr. Ruckman claims that Duane Libbe had resigned his position as Precinct Administrator. The truth is, however, Duane had sent an email blast postponing his departure until AFTER that Meet-Up.
His hand-picked replacement is none other than Carl Bunce – the same Carl Bunce who Bob Ruckman accused of illegal eavesdropping during an Executive Board Meeting, and went so far as to file a police report against Mr. Bunce. Apparently, whoever is calling the shots for the newly formed tea-party/Ron Paul faction, that person is leading the CCRP on the wrong path.
Many of us who left leadership roles in the Clark County GOP want the CCRP to succeed, and are working hard to help Republicans throughout the County win their seats. We need the CCRP to regain their focus on winning elections so we can all succeed together.
(Mr. Scotti is the immediate past chairman of the Clark County Republican Party)