(NN&V Staff) – Last night, Michael J. McDonald, a retired Metro police officer and former Las Vegas City Councilman, announced his candidacy for Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party.
The announcement comes several days after current Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian’s resignation was officially accepted by the officially accepted by the Nevada Republican Party Executive Committee. Tarkanian resigned due to her husband’s candidacy in a heavily contested race for Nevada’s newly-created fourth congressional seat, particularly because of the perceived ethical conflict of interest that would inevitably be raised if she stayed in office. Amy Tarkanian said in a public announcement, “… in order to avoid any perception issue or misunderstanding, I have decided it would be in the best interests of my family and the party if I step down and work alongside my husband full time. …I will see my term through February the 5th.”
“I respect Amy’s decision to avoid any potential conflict of interest during the primary election, and to step down for the sake of the Party.” said McDonald. “The party needs to focus on success for the caucus meetings, fundraising, and building momentum to head into November, not risk adverse speculations of politics as usual.”
At the October 2011 meeting of the Nevada Republican Central Committee, when Tarkanian was elected as Chairman, many Central Committee members from across the state had urged McDonald to run against her. Despite the overwhelming support, in the interest of party unity McDonald respectfully declined the nomination.
McDonald said that immediately after Tarkanian announced her resignation, he was inundated with calls from Committee members from all over the state expressing their support and urging him to run for Chairman.
“If it weren’t for the widespread, intense support I’ve received from State Central Committee members, I wouldn’t be doing this.” said McDonald. “When I was nominated last time, I didn’t want to divide the party. With this new opportunity, I am excited for the chance to continue moving the Nevada Republican Party in a positive direction.”
McDonald says that there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done by the Nevada GOP and he is looking forward to the prospect of rolling up his sleeves and working with his fellow Republicans.
“In all of my years of service it was the big challenges that energized me”, says McDonald, “and this will be the most inspiring one yet”.