(Chuck Muth) – In response to my criticism yesterday of Nevada GOP Chairman Chris Comfort’s decidedly less-than-stellar performance in raising money, registering voters and recruiting candidates since his election last November, Comfort had his Communication Director send me a response which I find rather breathtaking….especially how he blames all his failures as chairman on other people.
Since I have a rather busy day today, the following is Comfort’s email in its entirety and unedited just as it was sent to me yesterday afternoon. I’ll let this simmer for a day and hold off on any further commentary in response to “Chairman Comfort’s response” until tomorrow. But after reading this flapdoodle, I’m pretty sure y’all will know where I’m going to go with this from here.
Fire in the hole!
Chairman Comfort’s response.
“The gloves are off and I am come out swinging… As Chairman I have been doing all sorts of stuff.”
“Chuck Muth is disrupting the mechanism…he is lying.”
1. With regards to candidate recruitment:
“Nobody wants to run for office. I asked and they said no. Julie Hereford was responsible for recruitment and she didn’t do it.”2. With regards to fundraising:
“I don’t have those number, Dave Buell, the Treasurer, does and I have been asking him for 2 weeks to give them to me.” Also, “The board just will not let the Chairman raise money, they want a line item for everything. I mean, it’s like… come on.” Lastly, Chairman Comfort has been cleaning up after Brent Husson who was, “supposed to do everything.”3. With regard to the Special Session:
“Jim DeGraffenreid was up there and it was my understanding that he met with these people.”“When I became Chairman, the board didn’t do any work. I did everything.”
Here is the list of things Chairman Comfort has accomplished since taking his seat:
– “Developed an IT platform committee which moves us into the 21st century”
– “Identified a person to do reporting of metrics or numbers and data which is disseminated among the masses including voters trends and statistical data.”
– “Received pledges of full resource including people, brainpower and money from John Ensign.”
– “We have face-to-face board meetings. Two full days in February.”
– “Made 30 to 40 press contacts as Chair.”
– “Developed strategies for grassroots and voter performance (registration)”
– “Identified people to assist in political roundtables.”
– “Developed a branding campaign.”
– “Dr. Comfort personally attends 3-5 meeting per week talking around the state with various townhall groups, etc., etc.”
– “Chatting with people on the phone with regards to all sorts of stuff”
– “Developed organizational structures and matrix for duties, so on and so forth.”
– “Has been giving speeches in the north.”
– “All along my strategy has been to stay underwater so the Democrats wouldn’t know what we were doing.”
– Chairman Comfort won with 90% because he “brought all these people together.”
Also, please note that “It is technically not true that I have been Chairman for four month. I started on January 15 because everything was shut down for Christmas and Thanksgiving.”