(Richard Scotti) – Infatuated with their own power, and ignoring all responsibility to the constituents that elected them, the liberal Democrats in the House are continuing to dig their own graves.
Republicans, most Independents, and conservative Democrats alike are appalled at the thought of any government take-over of the Health Care system. Before it was passed, 49% of Nevadans opposed the suspected House Health Care Bill. Undoubtedly, now that we can look through the true evil provisions of this 2000 page monstrosity of a bill, the negative numbers will grow.
As the liberals continue to push through their poisonous plans, the rest of us are beginning to see the clearer path to saving this country.
The Pelosi crew rammed the bill through the House in violation of all fiduciary duties and promises to the people to have 72 hours to read and comment. Yet again, the hypocrites in Congress who had previously railed at Republicans for not being more transparent, pushed through an unread bill in the stealth of the night very late Saturday.
The bill establishes an “individual mandate” legally requiring all U.S. residents buy health insurance, or face severe penalties such as fines and prison. Businesses that opt-out of the plan face stiff increases in payroll taxes, and their employees are then transferred to the government-run program. This all spells disaster for the middle class, for small businesses, for individuals wishing to keep their present plans, and for seniors who will lose choice and care due to rationing.
The most egregious aspects of the bill are summarized below for your benefit:
Bill Unconstitutional! Nowhere in the Constitution do the people grant the federal government the power to require the purchase of goods or services.
Cost: More than 1.3 Trillion dollars over 10 years
Penalty Tax On Employers: 8% Payroll Tax Penalty on employers unable to provide health care coverage to its employees
Surtax Tax Impacting Businesses and Middle Class: The plan is funded primarily by a surtax of 5.4% on small businesses and persons making over $1,000,000. This will hit over 300,000 small business owners and, in turn, decrease investments, reduce jobs, reduce consumption, and create layoffs.
Penalty on Individuals Who Prefer Freedom: If any person fails to obtain health insurance for himself or his children, he can be punished by up to $250,000 or five (5) years in prison.
Job Losses: The RNC estimates the Pelosi plan will destroy as many as 5.5 Million American jobs over the next ten years.
Unfair Competition: The government-run program will have expanded insurance options prohibited in the private sector.
Rationed Care: The plan directs the federal government to establish “waiting lists” if there are insufficient funds to pay for medical expenses. Bureaucratic panels will have increasing power over who receives care, how much care can be received, and when the care can be received.
Harm To Seniors: Six (6) million seniors will be denied access to an affordable Medicare Advantage Plan; also, Part D prescription drug coverage premiums will increase by at least 20%.
Invasion of Doctor-Patient Relationship: Through new bureaucratic programs, such as the “Health Benefits Advisory Committee,” the “Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission,” and the “Health Choices Commissioner,” patients lose their health care choices, and are deprived of the good judgment of their doctors.
The Pelosi bill will kill jobs, kill free-will, kill health care choices, and kill the economy. It is incomprehensible that the House could be so reckless at a time when our Nation is facing 10.2% unemployment. The two Nevada Congresswomen who voted for the bill, Shelley Berkley (D) and Dina Titus (D), should be especially ashamed, given Clark County’s 13.9% unemployment, and the strong unpopularity of the bill.
Take a look at some of the new posts appearing on a blog for the Washington Examiner:
“I am a registered Independent. I have always tried to vote for the best candidates regardless of which political party they belonged to. As of tonight, I will never vote for a Democrat again. God, I’ve never been so disgusted to be an American in my entire life.” – [DC Deadbeats, Nov 7, 2009]
“As a Libertarian, I share your frustration. I’ve been wading through the 1,900 page bill. I’m up to page 300 thus far. Everything in it is hideously worded, a Kafkaesque melange of bureaucracy, giveaways, new taxes, etc. Of course, no common sense ideas like tort reform or interstate healthcare plan competition. The U.S. needs a new revolution now, as much as the one that occurred in 1775.” – [Guy Jones, Nov 7, 2009]
“I have never been as disgusted with the American federal government as I am now. Jefferson had it right about spilling the blood of tyrants. It just may come to that.” – [Rick, Nov 7, 2009]
“[P]erhaps this event will permanently get real Americans engaged in politics. We got here by decades of populace disinterest thus allowing the weeds of liberal ideology to proliferate. The “trust bubble” has burst and hopefully it won’t come back in our lifetime.” – [mscookie, Nov 7, 2009]
Senator Harry Reid will surely seal his doomed fate if he does not come out quickly and forcefully, in opposition to the House’s monstrously unconstitutional and financially irresponsible program.
Meanwhile, we should expect to see a surge in support for Republican principles. The Republicans stand for health reform that improves the free market system, grants people more and better choices, and reduces medical expenses, while fostering job growth.
Please speak out loud and often against the Democrat Health care bill. Attend any Tea-Party rallies that gets organized. Write to Harry Reid and let him know his days are numbered.
Write to Senator Ensign and tell him we are counting on him to rise up now with the greatest fit of passion he can muster to stop the unconstitutional takeover of health care – one-sixth of our economy.
(Richard Scotti is Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party)