(NN&V Staff) – State Treasurer Kate Marshall announced today that as of November 17, 2010, the Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Millennium Scholarship Fund has received donations of $104,930 from more than 375 individual donors.
The special memorial fund was established by former First Lady Dema Guinn and her family following the tragic death of her husband, Kenny Guinn, who championed the Millennium Scholarship in 1999 when he took office as Governor. Later named in his honor by the Legislature, the Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program has served more than 60,000 Nevada high school graduates since its inception. Currently, nearly 23,000 students are receiving funding from the Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship program.
The money donated to the Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Millennium Scholarship Fund is being kept in a separate account. The Guinn family has provided its blessing on an idea to use the donated funds to assist a senior college Millennium Scholar student majoring in elementary or secondary education with meeting tuition, fee, and supply costs not covered by the Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship. State Senator William Raggio is sponsoring enabling legislation, which will be heard during the 2011 Legislative Session.
Marshall said donations to the Fund are still being accepted and can still be sent to:
State Treasurer’s Office
101 N. Carson Street, Ste. 4
Carson City, NV 89701
People and businesses wishing to donate can also go into any Wells Fargo Bank branch and make a direct deposit into the special fund. The donor should identify the account name, the Kenny Guinn Memorial Millennium Scholarship Fund, and provide the account number 1710741958.
For more information about the Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship program, visit the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office website, www.nevadatreasurer.gov.