(Rep. Joe Heck) – Increasing access to high-quality health care while reducing costs, that was the goal of the recently enacted health care law; but no matter how well intentioned, very few now stand by that law in its entirety.
The new health care law will cost money that taxpayers don’t have, and it will cost jobs we can’t afford to lose.
Now is the time to re-examine this misguided law. Before young families are forced to buy something they can’t afford, or face fines from their government; before seniors are forced to find a new doctor, or lose the kind of insurance plan they have now; before another small business sheds jobs or is forced to close its doors because of budget-busting regulations.
More access, lower cost. It’s safe to say that every American supports that idea. As an Emergency Medicine Doctor, I know I do. Working on the front lines of healthcare I’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t.
Forcing people to buy insurance or fining them; eliminating seniors access to Medicare Advantage; and burdening small businesses with onerous taxes – don’t work.
What the American people want are solutions that don’t cost the taxpayer more money and don’t prevent small businesses from hiring new employees.
Making sure people don’t lose their coverage once they get sick; letting dependent children stay on their parents insurance until they turn 26; making sure anyone who wants to buy insurance can purchase a policy, regardless of pre-existing conditions; and allowing consumers choice while creating incentives to purchase insurance that fits their needs – work.
Some of these solutions are there, but there is more wrong than right in this law.
So let’s repeal this law that doesn’t work; let’s repair those pieces that could work; let’s replace it with patient-centered solutions that will work; and let’s give the American people the healthcare they deserve.”
(Dr. Heck is a Republican representing Nevada’s Third Congressional District)