(Adam Stryker/Americans for Prosperity) – Yesterday democratic State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford openly called conservative, free market thinkers “right wing extremists” and claimed that we are planning to “dismantle our state”.
This schoolyard name-calling tactic is the same claim that his friends in Washington continue to use against our cause. Steven even echoed President Obama on election night when he called AFP out by name on live television for all of the work that you activists put in to educating your friends and neighbors during the election cycle. They refuse to acknowledge the movement for fiscal conservatism and smaller government that has swept across our country.
What Senator Steven is doing with this latest missive is attempting to lay the foundation to justify raising our taxes to an unprecedented level. Steven and his liberal allies continually refuse to state the budget deficit correctly which according to numerous sources is somewhere between $1 and $2 billion, he erroneously continues to claim that it is closer to $3 billion. If this were true it would raise our states debt ceiling to a record $8+ billion, which is simply unsustainable.
He claims that we “right wing extremists” want to gut public services and education. Simply not true Senator.
An educated workforce is critical to a strong and prosperous state, and we know that as well as anyone. What we “right-wing extremists” are asking for is the open and honest discussion about the future of our State, transparency in government, reforms to the PERS and PEBP system because the current rates are unsustainable. When the state files for bankruptcy due to this massive debt load how are we going to keep the “promises to our retirees” and preserve “the already fragile safety net for working families”?
Neal Smatresk, president of UNLV, stated in the Las Vegas Review Journal yesterday “The time for talking about our problem is over, and it is now time to act”.
Senator it is time to act, and it is time to lead! Our 30,000+ activists of AFP Nevada will no longer stand for this petty name-calling. It is time for all of us as Nevadans to engage in these discussions and set Nevada on a path to thrive once again.
Nevada has led the nation in growth over the last two decades, and by having these frank discussions, and making the difficult choices now I am confident that Nevada will lead the nation in growth over the next two decades. The title of Senator Stevens email stated “some things are worth fighting for”, well some things are worth fighting for – the people of the Battle Born state will fight for liberty, for freedom, and for our prosperity.