Illegal Immigration for tomorrow

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Image by Ralph from Pixabay

The southern border has for decades been a hotbed of illegal activity but has exploded since Biden became President. Illegals are crossing the border in record numbers, with Coyotes charging thousands of dollars for their services. This has led to an increase in sexual abuse and exploitation of women and girls, as well as the smuggling of millions of dollars’ worth of drugs into the country. Terrorists are also using the open borders to plant themselves in the country. Just in April 42 suspected terrorists were apprehended. This begs the question of just how many slips through in a given year. The situation is becoming increasingly untenable and something needs to be done to stop it.
The only way to stop this invasion of illegals, drugs, terrorists and the sexual abuse is to close the southern border. To do this we must finish the job President Trump started by completing the wall.  This is the only way to protect our country and our citizens from the dangers that come with illegal immigration.  This will take a concerted effort from Federal and border state governments, as well as the cooperation of the Mexican government.
Democrats block every attempt to secure the border and protect America. They were elected to protect the interests of the American people but instead protect those that cross the border illegally.  The time has come to take a stand and demand that our government does something to stop this invasion. It is time to put an end to this illegal activity and make the southern border safe again.  If we don’t stem the tide, our very sovereignty is in jeopardy