(Gil Guignat/Examiner.com) – This is an outrageous title indeed. We do know however that there was some controversy as to how the president got his campaign contributions when he was first elected. Through a loophole, he may have received up to a third of his contributions illegally and from abroad.
Why wouldn’t the Mexican drug cartels jump in to support the president with their billions. The president is doing quite a bit for them. Firstly, the president has told his border patrol not to enforce immigration laws through a back door DREAM Act and through a “catch and release” immigration policy. This makes it very easy for drug traffickers to hide amongst the illegal aliens coming over the border. There are 500,000 coming into Arizona every year alone. These policies seem especially designed to make it as easy as possible for the drug cartels to practice their trade in as convenient a manner as possible.
A gang member of the Zeta Mexican drug cartel was caught recently and he testified that all the guns they needed were supplied by the US government. What is there not to like about Obama if you are a Mexican drug cartel? Not only will you not be hassled when you come over the border illegally, but the Obama administration is more than happy to supply you with your own AK-47 rifle so you can come and kill police officers like Brian Terry. Let’s also not forget the hundreds of Mexican citizens and police officers who are also being killed in Mexico thanks to the thousands of arms supplied by Obama’s stimulus funds. Yes! You read that right. $10 million came from the stimulus funds so that the Mexican drug cartels could get free guns so they could come and terrorize Mexican and American citizens.
To put a bow on President Obama’s non enforcement of the border, it would appear that the terrorist organization Hezbollah is now setting up shop right south of the US border as well. This is confirmed by the police in Tucson, Arizona. Perhaps the President could solicit campaign contributions from them as well. Obama’s policies seem to make it as easy as possible for the terrorists to sneak over undetected as well. A few months ago, Sheriff Babeu of Pinal County, Arizona had caught some 800 individuals sneaking over the border illegally in just one day. Half of them were from the Middle East.
So there you have it. The president’s immigration policies are wonderfully useful to Mexican drug cartels making it as easy as possible to come over the border. You even get a bonus your very own gun free of charge and compliments of the Obama administration stimulus funds. As a special added bonus, the terrorist organization Hezbollah is setting up shop in Mexico no doubt because they have heard it is so easy to come across. They see nothing but opportunity in the president’s generosity. It puts a whole new meaning to America as the land of opportunity.
Since the president does not do anything if there is not a big payoff in it for him political or otherwise, you have to wonder what payoff he expects from Hezbollah and the Mexican drug cartels. He can’t be accommodating these groups for free can he? What are those campaign contributions going to look like?
(Gil Guignat was born in Dakar Senegal and has lived in Africa, Europe and the US. He comes from a family that survived five years of Nazi occupied France during the Second World War and subsequently communist rule. He became a US citizen several decades ago. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in architecture and has been in business for himself for over two decades.)