It’s Time For Mitt To Start Throwing High, Inside Heaters To The Media

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(Fred Weinberg/The Penny Press) – OK, I’m just an editorial writer who happens to live in the most flown over of flyover country.

I know nothing of geopolitics, of what diplomats do for a living. (Although Will Rogers did once say that diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggy while you are looking for a rock, and I have a hard time disagreeing with that.)

But, like most Americans, I do know something about differentiating right from wrong.

This morning, I read that Mitt Romney somehow did something wrong—committed a “gaffe” as they like to say— when he implied that Israel’s culture was superior to that of the Palestinian’s who would have Israel wiped off the map.

To steal a line from Steve Martin, Well Excuuuuuuuuuuse Me!

In point of fact, Romney is absolutely right and not only should he not apologize but he should expand on the theme.

People who carve a nation out of nothing, a sliver of desert, are absolutely of a higher order than the people who want to take it from them. If you don’t believe that, you’re an idiot. One of the people Herman Cain rightly calls stupid. You also haven’t studied much history.

People who point fingers at people like Mitt Romney for pointing out the obvious truth are morons.

If I have one concern about Romney it is that he takes this nonsense with too much equanimity. When he should have done is walked to the back of his chartered plane after he left Poland and excoriated the traveling media for their incredible rudeness. And ignorance.

Forget for a minute that the mainstream media seems to be having—as Bernard Goldberg put it—a slobbering love affair with Romney’s opponent. The issue here is the complete willingness of the media to rewrite history to suit their ends.

It certainly would not hurt Romney to go on the offensive. To take a few pages from Newt Gingrich’s playbook and humiliate some really rude reporter in front of the rest of them.

The American voting public doesn’t really like the mainstream media and they won’t be offended. And most of the media doesn’t really like each other. Except in the eyes of the media, it’s a no-lose proposition.

The truth is, it’s about time Romney called out one of these pompous asses whose only qualification to judge a candidate is that they work cheap.

Some years back, I was on an ABC News crew which interviewed Romney at a Republican Governor’s conference. He was pleasant, engaging, warm and treated us extremely well as we did our jobs.

He was also very available.

The media, which is complaining about his accessibility today, ought to read the crap they write about him and maybe even these dolts will be able to figure out why Romney would rather have a root canal than spend any time with them.

Believe it or not, a 40-something reporter is probably not qualified to make judgments like whether or not Romney committed some sort of faux pas by comparing the state of Israeli civilization with Palestinian so-called civilization.

A degree from Columbia in journalism really doesn’t qualify you to do much of anything. What I am gently saying is that this generation of journalists isn’t the collective sharpest knife in the drawer. But they sure think they are. Just ask them.

When I want to know whether or not Mitt Romney—or Barack Obama, for that matter—has committed a “gaffe,” I’ll read the transcripts and decide for myself.

I really don’t care what some frustrated Pierre Salinger or Bill Moyers writes from the back of a plane because as left leaning as both of those guys were, today’s press corps could not wear their jock straps.

Romney would do himself a favor to start throwing hardballs back at these guys.