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Al Kramer, former Carson City Treasurer, has announced he will run for Assembly District 40, which includes Carson City and a portion of South East Washoe County.
Kramer was the elected treasurer for Carson City from 1995 through 2015. Those who know him from his service as City Treasurer will acknowledge his efforts to go the extra mile in providing service to the citizens of Carson, and the trust that evolved because of this professional service. This past year he served as the Investment Deputy for the State Treasurer.
Al Kramer served almost five years in the U.S. Army, where his highest rank was captain USAR. He worked in the private sector for fifteen years in accounting, purchasing and data processing before beginning work with the State of Nevada in April of 1990. His background includes volunteering as a Scout Master, being president of an in house credit union and for many years was on the board of a non-profit encouraging home ownership for low-income families.
As a fiscal conservative, Kramer would work to ensure that all tax dollars received are spent with the greatest efficiency and effectiveness on services that really need to be provided by the State.
“To grow the government we should first grow the State’s economy. I would like to see more tech jobs with their higher pay and benefits come to Nevada. For this to happen, Nevada must become a more ‘business friendly’ state,” said Kramer.
He does not believe the new ‘commerce tax’ is business friendly and that it was a step in the wrong direction. He believes that the increased taxes voted for, by the last session of the legislature, means that new tax increases should not be needed.
“Business-friendly also means we need a highly trained workforce, and means we need an affordable university and community college system where the average Nevadan can prepare for jobs with Tesla and other employers coming to this state,” Kramer said.
Al believes that there are enough gun laws on the books.
“Studies do need to be done to see how we can keep guns out of the hands of those with mental disorders without infringing on the constitutional rights of everyone else,” he explained.
Al has been married to his wife, Candice, for 47 years. They have two sons Dan in Sulphur, Louisiana and Alex in Sparks, Nevada, and a daughter Joy, who lives in Austin, Texas.