(Danny Tarkanian, Esq.) – Nevadan’s Republican Senate Majority leader, Michael Roberson, recently boasted that the largest tax increase in our state’s history will pass the Senate this week. Ironically, this tax increase is almost identical to the version soundly rejected by 80% of us Nevadans in our last election, just six months ago, only it is more complicated and easier to manipulate.
In the same election, Nevadans placed Republicans in control of the Assembly, Senate and Governor’s office for the first time in 85 years. Nearly all of these candidates ran on a pledge NOT to raise taxes.
Nevertheless, many of these same Republicans are supporting the $1.2 Billion Tax Increase under the premise that it is necessary to improve Nevada’s failing school system. In lieu of shouldering us with this landmark tax increase, our legislature should consider alternatives to funding education, including revising the PERS system which is bankrupting our state. Of course, this would upset the Public Employees Union and the politicians are afraid of how that would affect them in future elections.
Furthermore, if we once again increase spending on our same failing school system without making substantive changes, the result will be further failing. Meaningful changes to the current system are absolutely necessary and it is long past the time for bold leadership to do what is needed: reward our best teachers, not longevity; make it easier to dismiss teachers who deserve to be dismissed; eliminate tenure completely; and completely revise English Language Learning. And for the sake of our children and the future of Nevada provide more charter schools and true school choice for all.
Danny is a Political Commentator on 790 “Talk Now … Talk That Rocks” Talk Radio 790AM & 104.3FM, and a blogger for “Tark Bytes.” Visit his blog at http://DannyTarkanian.com.