Republicans Had Better Put Hands To The Plow To Win Hispanic Voters

Jim Clark’s “Gingrich Has Winning Stance On Immigration Issue” (NN&V November 30), is the second article I’m aware of in which Mr. Clark urges Republicans to ignore immigration laws and their party platform in a dubious effort to capture Hispanic-heritage voters.

Didn’t the Democrats already beat us to the racial spoils racket? Democrat surrogates MALDEF and La Raza channel Hispanic immigrants into barrios, where they speak only Spanish and collect government benefits. The Democrat party facilitates voter fraud by illegals, challenging voter ID laws as racist, pushing same-day voter registration, and killing state-based immigration control laws. Hispanic immigrants are failing to assimilate into mainstreamAmericalike no immigrant group ever.

The Republicans can win votes from Hispanic-heritage citizens who care about their country with the same arguments they make for everyone else: Support for free-market prosperity, the benefits of smaller government, conservative social values, and a strong national defense, which includes border enforcement.

Mr. Clark asserts, without proof, that Republicans can’t win elections without Hispanic voters. But Republicans damn sure won’t win if the base sits on its hands rather than turn out for a Democrat-lite candidate who won’t fight for the party’s core values.

Lynn Muzzy


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