(Chuck Muth) – Dr. Eugene Paslov is a former superintendent of our state’s government schools – so if you think public education in Nevada sucks, you can lay a good chunk of the blame at Gene’s feet.
The man is also a brain-dead unreconstituted liberal. Coming from the education establishment, this isn’t exactly a surprise.
Oh, and he’s also a paid lobbyist.
But the worst thing about Gene Paslov isn’t that he’s an educrat or a liberal or a paid lobbyist.
It’s that he’s a liar.
And trust me, I don’t use that term lightly.
The thing is, I have no problem with those on the Left who disagree with me either philosophically or politically. But I have a BIG problem with those in the Left who knowingly and intentionally don’t tell the truth when making their arguments or defending their positions.
Which is why I have such a big problem with edu-boob Gene Paslov.
Back on September 25, 2009, I wrote a column which was published in the Nevada Appeal in which I pointed out that while private businesses have “laid off non-essential employees” during the current recession, the Nevada Legislature has “avoided laying off any non-essential government employees.”
The key word here is: non-essential.
I went on to point out that Keith Schwer, director of The Center for Business and Economic Research, had recently suggested in a bone-headed liberal statement about potential budget cuts that all government workers were policemen, firefighters or teachers.
I further pointed out that Mr. Schwer, himself, was a government employee….and a non-essential one at that….“who absolutely, positively ought to be fired,” concluding: “Somebody bring me one of those pink slips.”
And now here’s what Paslov wrote in the Nevada Appeal today: “Our resident anti-government howler, Chuck Muth, suggested ‘pink-slipping’ all of the 88,000 public employees in our state.”
Anyone who can read plain English, even a teachers’ union boss, can readily see that I suggested “pink-slipping” NON-ESSENTIAL government workers and asked for ONE pink slip. I never even remotely “suggested ‘pink-slipping’ all of the 88,000 public employees in our state.”
One might be inclined to give “Doctor” Paslov – which is a textbook oxymoron, because all this guy’s liberal pabulum ever does is make people sick – the benefit of the doubt and chalk this up to an old man who can successfully hide his own Easter eggs. But Gene Paslov misrepresents his political opponents’ positions and views all the time.
This wasn’t just an honest mistake.
Frankly, I don’t believe intellectual honesty is even in the man. If it is, then we should promptly receive a retraction and an apology.
I won’t be sitting by my keyboard waiting for either.