(Michael Zahara) – Harry Reid will lose in November and take the Democratic ticket down with him. It’s too late to drop out too as Harry Reid has already completely destroyed the Dem ticket for 2010, regardless of what he does now.
Harry Reid’s selfishness and narcissism hurts so many of our local Dems on 2010 ballot, and that’s disgraceful; you’re seeing the real Harry Reid and how he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
Cortez-Masto needs 4 years to rehabilitate, Calamity Kate Marshall has already lost her race, Kim Wallin will test the waters for 2012, and Ross Miller, despite recent polling (his?) mentioning his name as a Reid replacement, is a lousy campaigner.
Rochelle-y will not leave Ways and Means either; especially in a GOP year! Jim Gibson makes it a race, but destroys his brand because it really is too late for him to come in and save the day.
(PS: There is no love between the Reids and the Millers and Miller Worldwide is smelling blood in the water…too bad it’s too damn late to matter!)
Dreaming out loud Files: Wouldn’t it be spectacular if Rep Dina Titus were to flush the House and challenge Harry Reid in the primary? Boy, that would settle a lot of old scores, wouldn’t it?!!
The lefties would be rejoicing as they all hate Harry Reid, the national media would wet their pants, and DailyKos alone will raise her million smackers. Titus would become an instant national celebrity…endorsed by all on the left…even some giant unions…
She’s got nothing to lose; she already has a pension that would choke a horse, she will triple her current salary with speaking fees if she loses…She will forever cement her place in local and national political history
I wonder if she and Dr Tom have discussed this over salads and white wine spritzers…
I’m betting they have!
No, his ‘Negro’ comments weren’t racist, but, his clumsy, uncomfortable verbiage was stupid and ignorant, and now we’re reaching the denouement over why I was so against the early caucus and his becoming SML; it has only served to focus an extraordinary amount of unwanted, but badly needed, attention on what our fine state really is…all thanks to Harry Reid’s 44 years of nothing for Nevada.
The searing heat from those intense Keogh lights have left NVDEMS nothing more than a smoldering heap of burning embers and cinders.
Remember when I said the best thing his team could do is duct tape his mouth, tie him up, and lock him in the cellar until November? His flunky, Jim Manley, didn’t heed that advice and should be fired immediately for not protecting the boss; that’s his only job!
The President will be here next month to prop up the old man and the only reason Reid is still around is because of healthcare. You know you’re in deep-shit when you’re the so-called ‘most powerful senator Nevada has ever had’ and then you have to trot out women and hide behind their skirts like he did with Harriet Trudell recently!
Emigres from Cluelessland: Harriet owes her decades long job of doing nothing but reading the paper, sloshing coffee, and being grumpy all day long at NVDEMS to Harry Reid. Both she and he are clueless how weak that letter made him look! You don’t trot out your flunkies; you apologize then you shut up, you tell your supporters to shut up, and it’s over in a few days because the media has the attention span of a gnat.
Remember Rep Gary Condit? He was the only American happy about 9/11 and the media never came back to him!
In the exact same vein, Harry Reid is deliriously happy about Haiti!
Then they flew in Donna Brazile yesterday for the NVDEMS’ ‘We really love Negros—no really, we’re not kidding; we really do—Festival’.
Can we get anymore offensive Uncle Harry? Want to add insult to injury? The Reid campaign spent thousands of dollars flying Brazile & Co in and that same day it dispatched campaign flunky, Shannon Rayburn, with a lousy $250 check for Women’s Demo.
That had to really hurt Reid given his gi-normous 25 million dollar campaign kitty?
Call it karma, divine providence, comeuppance, or whatever; what Harry Reid is suffering now what he has sown; his extinguishing of NVDEMS, destroying local Dem candidates and his own son’s candidacy, is a direct result of exactly who and what he is…and has always been.
(Mr. Zahara is a longtime Democrat Party activist and author of the WatchdogWag.com blog)